markus schneider headshot

Markus Schneider

Associate Professor

What I do

I am an applied economist focused on the distribution of income between individuals as well as between groups.


Income Inequality, Income Distribution, Labor Economics

Professional Biography

Dr. Schneider has been teaching at the University of Denver since 2009. His research focuses on characterizing the distribution of income between individuals as well as between groups, on which he has published in economics and physics, as well as the measurement of inequality. He is the principal investigator of a project at the Rocky Mountain Federal Research Data Center in Boulder, CO, to study the evidence for and characterization of labor market segmentation. Dr. Schneider has also studied the evolution of inequality in the US, the impact of fiscal policy on the distribution of income in Europe, and the health consequence of income inequality. He regularly teaches microeconomics, econometrics, and an advanced seminar (ASEM) on income and wealth inequality.


  • Ph.D., Economics, New School for Social Research, 2010
  • MA, Economics, New School for Social Research, 2004
  • BS, Aerospace Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, 2000

Professional Affiliations

  • American Economics Association
  • Eastern Economics Association
  • Western Economics Association International
  • Association of Social Economics

Media Sources


Currently I am involved in two distinct projects. The first uses restricted-access Census data via the Rocky Mountain Research Data Center (RMRDC) in Boulder, CO, to investigate the evidence for labor market segmentation and specifically to use distributional features to better characterize the observed segmentation. My co-author, Ellis Scharfenaker at the University of Utah, and I use Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian methods to distinguish between different distributional models that fit the observed distribution of earnings. Our focus is specifically on finite mixture models as these intuitively capture the possibility of discrete labor market segments with potentially qualitatively different generating mechanisms. Our initial results have been presented in a number of conferences and a working paper is forthcoming. This 5-year project has many different strands and will result in a new body of work providing an empirical characterization of labor market segmentation.

The second project I am involved in was started by Christine Ngo (now at Bucknell University), Yavuz Yasar, and myself, and generously supported by a PROF grant. Using novel UNU-WIDER data on manufacturing in Vietnam, we investigate gender differences in firm management practices across manufacturing sub-sectors. The results of this work have been presented at conference and are being prepared for submission to a suitable outlet.

Areas of Research

Gini coefficient
Top 1% Income Share
Maximum Entropy
Labor Market Segmentation
Rocky Mountain Data Center

Featured Publications


Schneider, M. (2019). Labor Market Segmentation & the Income Distribution: New Evidence from Internal Census Bureau Data. Department Seminar. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico.
Schneider, M. (2018). Measuring Inequality: How We Do It Matters, But There Is No Right Way To Do It. DU Faculty Lecture Series.
Schneider, M. (2018). To Gini or not to Gini. ASE World Congress. CSU Fort Collins: ASE.
Schneider, M. (2017). Ungleichheit in den USA - Warum Trump triumphiert?. Vienna, Austria: Österreicher Arbeiterkammer (Austrian Chamber of Labor).
Schneider, M., Kinsella, S., & Godin, A. (2017). Changes in the Profile of Inequality across Europe since 2005. ASSA. Chicago, IL: AEA.


  • Edith Henry Johnson Memorial Award in Economics, Civil Affairs, and Education, The New School for Social Research