Michelina olivieri headshot

Michelina Nelson-Olivieri

Ph.D. Candidate

What I do

My work focuses on minority writers throughout the nineteenth century, including women, queer people, and people of color. I'm currently working on a dissertation on queer women throughout the nineteenth century and a paper on the travel writing of Mary Seacole, Anne Lister, and Margaret Fuller.

Professional Biography

Michelina Nelson-Olivieri (she/her/hers) is a doctoral candidate in Literary Studies. She received her B.A. and M.A. in English at Sam Houston State University where she completed a thesis Anne Lister as a Romantic writer. Her scholarship continues to focus on queer writers of the 19th century, with a particular focus on Anne Lister, the Ladies of Llangollen, and Lord Byron. Her most recent publication, ""Which made it look like a gentleman’s”: Anne Lister’s Use of Lord Byron in Her Construction of a Gentlemanly Image," is featured in ABO Visions. She is currently working on an article on Anne Lister and queer legacy alongside a dissertation on queer women writers of 19th century.