Research & Creative Works

The literary community at the University of Denver thrives thanks to the creativity of our faculty and students. Our faculty regularly publish original creative and critical work in prestigious journals around the world, and our graduate and undergraduate students publish frequently as emerging scholars and writers. At DU, we strive to support and nurture this spirit of creativity in the classroom, on campus and in the opportunities we provide for students to grow and thrive at school and in their careers.

Faculty Publications

"Anglosaxon(ist) Pasts, postSaxon Futures"

Associate Professor Donna Beth Ellard published this book in 2019, exploring the history of racism and colonialism in the field formerly known as Anglo-Saxon studies.

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Professor Graham Foust has published several books of poetry. "Nightingalelessness," his most recent collection, was released in 2018 by Flood Editions.

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"Archive and Artifact: Susan Howe's Factual Telepathy"

Written by Professor W. Scott Howard, this book, published by Talisman House in 2019, explores the polyvocal quality of Susan Howe's poetry and prose, offering important insights into modernist poetics.

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"Songs & Ballads"

Assistant Professor Lindsay Turner's debut collection of original poetry was published in 2018 by Prelude. Turner has also published several books of poetry in translation.

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"Documenting the U.S.-Mexico Border: Photography, Movement, and Paradox"

This timely article by Assistant Professor Kristy L. Ulibarri, which explores the implications of photographing a politically charged location like the U.S.-Mexico border, was published in Art Journal in 2019.

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"A Gecko's Farewell"

Penned by Professor and Department Chair Maik Nwosu, "A Gecko's Farewell" is a novel that follows the lives of three Africans whose paths intersect on the Internet.

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"Harvester of Hearts: Motherhood Under the Sign of 'Frankenstein'"

This hybrid text by Assistant Professor Rachel Feder explores Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" in conversations with literary criticism, the history of the placenta and personal experiences with parenting.

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"Rerun Era"

Assistant Professor Joanna Howard's memoir explores a single year in her Oklahoma childhood through vignettes of memory told through the voice of her five-year-old self.

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"Stories, Celebrations, Tips, Trips, and Fights: Everyday Writing in a Climbing Community"

This article by Professor Douglas Hesse, which explores sites of everyday online writing in climbing and Facebook communities, was published in the South Atlantic Review in 2020. Hesse's article appears in Volume 85, Number 2 of the journal.

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"Ideal Suggestions: Essays in Divinatory Poetics"

Winner of the first Essay Press Open Book Contest, Professor Selah Saterstrom's essay collection explores processes of learning and language, with and from reader and writer.

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Literary Publications

Denver Quarterly

Denver Quarterly, DU's printed journal of original prose and poetry, receives thousands of submissions each year and publishes some of the most respected established and emerging voices. Students can get involved as interns, readers and editorial assistants, helping shape Denver Quarterly's artistic vision and gaining valuable publishing experience along the way.

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Foothills Visual and Textual Journal

Foothills is DU's student-run publication of original short fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction written exclusively by DU students. You can get involved by submitting your own work for consideration or by reaching out to the Foothills team to inquire about open editorial roles.

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Alumni Publications

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    "Swerve" by Vincent James

    Astrophil Press, 2020 (fiction)

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    "Ghost Of" by Diana Khoi Nguyen

    Omnidawn Press, 2018; Finalist for the 2018 National Book Award in Poetry (poetry)

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    "13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girlby Mona Awad

    Penguin Books, 2016 (fiction)

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    “Voice, Silence, and Invocation: Possibilities of Negotiating Identity in Writing Centers" by Lucien Darjeun Meadows

    Forthcoming in Network Theories, Social Justice, and Supersystems in Writing Program Administration, WAC Clearinghouse and UP of Colorado, 2021-2022 (pedagogy essay)

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