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Why the Nazis Looted Art and Why it Still Matters

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Lauren Turner

Center for Art Collections Ethics Graduate Assistant

Watch the recording of our 3/9 event

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As the Nazis devised and implemented the Final Solution, they also expropriated a wide range of assets from Jews across Europe — real estate, investments and mobile assets. This massive theft included several hundred thousand works of art, the result of confiscation and forced sales within the Third Reich and in occupied territories. The aftermath of Nazi art plunder continues to present legal and ethical challenges in the art world as the heirs of Jewish victims seek restitution of looted paintings and other objects now held by museums, galleries or private collectors. 

Presented by Associate Professor of History and Director of the Center for Art Collection Ethics Elizabeth Campbell, PhD.

This event was co-sponsored by DU's Center for Art Collection Ethics (ACE), the Holocaust Awareness Institute (HAI), the Holocaust Museum Houston and the Program in Jewish Studies at Rice University.