
Our team engages cross-disciplinary approaches, working across genetic, neural, cognitive and behavioral levels of analysis to identify risk and resilience factors for learning and attentional challenges in children. Here, you can learn more about our faculty, PhD students, research assistants, undergraduate student researchers, current research collaborators and lab alumni.

Lab Director

Lauren McGrath

Lauren M. McGrath

Associate Professor

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LEaRN Lab Team

  • Graduate Students

    Rebecca Slomowitz

    Rebecca Slomowitz, MA, is a third year PhD student in the clinical child psychology graduate program. She is interested in studying mechanisms of risk/resilience and cognitive development in children with dyslexia and ADHD. She is currently working on projects that examine whether cognitive abilities contribute to resilience in children at-risk for dyslexia.

    Nina Anderson

    Nina Anderson

    Nina Anderson is a second year PhD student in the clinical child psychology graduate program. Her research interests include understanding the role of cognitive factors in learning exceptionalities and comorbid diagnoses. Her current work for her master's thesis focuses on cognitive predictors of anxiety in children with dyslexia, and she is working towards developing a dissertation topic focused on cognitive predictors of mathematical abilities and dyscalculia.

    Eliza Kramer

    Eliza Kramer

    Eliza Kramer is a first year PhD student in the clinical child psychology graduate program. She is interested in transdiagnostic cognitive risk factors underlying comorbid learning exceptionalities and mental health symptoms. She is currently working on examining processing speed and reading difficulties as transdiagnostic risk factors for psychopathology.

  • Research Assistant
    Sarah Crennen

    Sarah Crennen

    Sarah Crennen, MA, is the research coordinator for the Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center at the University of Denver. This is a twins project that has been running for over 25 years in Colorado as collaborative project between the University of Denver and the University of Colorado. She is interested in the comorbidity of ADHD and dyslexia. She is currently in charge of data management and participant coordination.

  • Undergraduate Students
    Devon Cogswell

    Devon Cogswell

    Devon Cogswell is a sophomore majoring in psychology with minors in English, biology and communications. Cogswell is currently interested in the intersectionality of psychology and language, and what that could potentially mean for the way people process language in relation to learning disorders. She is currently working on a data project in collaboration with the DU Developmental Neuropsychology Clinic that is designed to understand the diagnostic patterns that are found within neuropsychological assessments.

    Alana Leventhal

    Alana Leventhal

    Alana Leventhal is a psychology major with a concentration in neuroscience and minors in biology and marketing. Leventhal is interested in educational psychology, educational neuroscience and neuromarketing — a field that applies psychology and neuroscience principles and technology to better understand consumer behavior. She is currently working on her undergraduate honors thesis that examines the relationship between self-determination and accommodation use for college students with learning disabilities.

  • Current Research Collaborators
Aerial view of the Denver campus.

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