Our team frequently publishes collaborative research, with many publications co-authored by our graduate and postdoctoral students. Our research has appeared in journals including Clinical Psychological Science, Psychoneuroendocrinology and many others. Learn more about our recent publications.
(*denotes a student author)
Alex, A. M., Buss, C., Davis, E. P., Campos, G. de, Donald, K. A., Fair, D. A., Gaab, N., Gao, W., Gilmore, J. H., Girault, J. B., Grewen, K., Groenewold, N. A., Hankin, B. L., Ipser, J., Kapoor, S., Kim, P., Lin, W., Luo, S., Norton, E. S., O’Connor, E.G., Piven, J., Qiu A., Rasmussen, J., Skeide, M., Stein, D.J., Styner, M.A., Thompson, P.M., Wakschlag, L., Knickmeyer, R. (2023). Genetic influences on the developing Young Brain and risk for neuropsychiatric disorders. Biological Psychiatry, 93(10), 905–920.
Aran, Ö., Garcia, S. E., Hankin, B. L., Hyde, D. C., & Davis, E. P. (2023). Signatures of emotional face processing measured by event-related potentials in 7-month-old infants. Developmental Psychobiology, 65(2), e22361.
Clark, H.M.*, Hankin, B.L., Narayan, A. N. & Davis, E.P. (2023). Risk and resilience factors for psychopathology during pregnancy: An application of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP). Development and Psychopathology, 1-17
Hankin BL, Demers CH, Hennessey EP, Perzow, S.E.D., Curran, M., Gallop, R.J., Hoffman, M.C., & Davis, E.P. (2023). Effect of Brief Interpersonal Therapy on Depression During Pregnancy: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Psychiatry. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2023.0702
Swales, D.A., Markant, J., Hennessey, E.P., Glueck, D.H., Hankin, B.L., & Davis, E.P. (2023). Infant negative affectivity and patterns of affect-biased attention. Developmental Psychobiology, 65, e22380.
Demers CH, Hankin BL, Hennessey EP, Hoeflich Haase M, Bagonis MM, Kim SH, Gilmore JH, Hoffman CH, Styner MA, Davis EP. (2022). Maternal adverse childhood experiences and infant subcortical brain volume. Neurobiology of Stress, 21.
Nevarez-Brewster, M., Aran, Ö., Narayan, A., Brown, S., Harrall, K., Hankin, B., & Davis, E.P. (2022).Adverse and Benevolent Childhood Experiences Predict Prenatal Sleep Quality. Adversity and Resilience Science, 3(4), 391–402.
Nevarez-Brewster, M., Demers, C., Mejia, A., Hoeflich Haase, M., Bagonis, M., Hyung Kim, S., Gilmore, J., Hoffman, M. C., Styner, M., Hankin, B., & Davis, E. P. (2022). Longitudinal and prospective assessment of prenatal maternal sleep quality and associations with newborn hippocampal and amygdala volume. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 58.
Noroña-Zhou*, A., Aran*, Ö., Garcia, S. E., Haraden, D., Perzow, S. E. D., Demers, C. H., Hennessey, E.-M. P., Melgar Donis, S., Kurtz, M., Hankin, B. L., & Davis, E. P. (2022). Experiences of discrimination and depression trajectories over pregnancy. Women’s Health Issues, 32(2), 147–155.
Clark, H.M.*, Hankin, B.L., & Davis, E.P.D (2021). Organizing the Structure of Psychopathology: An Application of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) among Pregnant Individuals. Manuscript under review, Clinical Psychological Science.
Garcia, S. E.*, Perzow, S. E.*, Hennessey, E. M. P.*, Glynn, L. M., & Davis, E. P. (2021). Examining the relation between maternal pregnancy-related anxiety and child development. In Pregnancy-Related Anxiety (pp. 74-96). Routledge.
Demers, C. H.*, Bagonis, M. M., Al-Ali, K., Garcia, S. E.*, Styner, M. A., Gilmore, J. H., ... & Davis, E. P. (2021). Exposure to prenatal maternal distress and infant white matter neurodevelopment. Development and Psychopathology, 33(5), 1526-1538.
Stout-Oswald, S.*, Glynn, L.M., Bisoffi, M. & Davis, E.P. (under review). Prenatal exposure to maternal psychological distress and telomere length in childhood.
Appel, A.M.*, Davis, E.P., Sandman, C.A., Glynn, L.M. (under review). Perinatal maternal positive psychological well-being predicts child cognitive development.
Demers, C. H.*, Aran, Ö.*, Glynn, L. M., & Davis, E. P. (2021). Prenatal Programming of Neurodevelopment: Structural and Functional Changes. In Prenatal stress and child development (pp. 193-242). Springer, Cham.
Perzow, S. E.*, Hennessey, E. M. P.*, Hoffman, M. C., Grote, N. K., Davis, E. P., & Hankin, B. L. (2021). Mental health of pregnant and postpartum women in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of affective disorders reports, 4, 100123.
Noroña-Zhou, A.*, Aran, Ö.*, Garcia, S. E., Haraden, D., Perzow, S. E.*, Demers, C. H.*, ... & Davis, E. P. (2021). Experiences of Discrimination and Depression Trajectories over Pregnancy. Women's Health Issues
Glynn, L. M., Davis, E. P., Luby, J. L., Baram, T. Z., & Sandman, C. A. (2021). A predictable home environment may protect child mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neurobiology of Stress, 14, 100291.
Grande, L. A.*, Swales, D. A.*, Sandman, C. A., Glynn, L. M., & Davis, E. P. (2021). Maternal caregiving ameliorates the consequences of prenatal maternal psychological distress on child development. Development and psychopathology, 1-10.
Holmberg, E., Teppola, T.*, Pajulo, M., Davis, E. P., Nolvi, S., Kataja, E. L., ... & Korja, R. (2020). Maternal Anxiety Symptoms and Self-Regulation Capacity Are Associated With the Unpredictability of Maternal Sensory Signals in Caregiving Behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3574.
Irwin, J. L.*, Meyering, A. L.*, Peterson, G.*, Glynn, L. M., Sandman, C. A., Hicks, L. M.*, & Davis, E. P. (2021). Maternal prenatal cortisol programs the infant hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 125, 105106.
Granger, S. J.,* Glynn, L. M., Sandman, C. A., Small, S. L., Obenaus, A., Keator, D. B., ... & Davis, E. P. (2021). Aberrant maturation of the uncinate fasciculus follows exposure to unpredictable patterns of maternal signals. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(6), 1242-1250.
Howland, M. A.*, Sandman, C. A., Davis, E. P., & Glynn, L. M. (2020). Prenatal maternal psychological distress and fetal developmental trajectories: associations with infant temperament. Development and Psychopathology, 32(5), 1685-1695.
Irwin, J.*, Davis, E.P., Hobel, C., Coussons-Read, M. & Dunkel Schetter, C. (2020). Maternal prenatal anxiety trajectories and infant developmental outcomes in one-year-old offspring. Infant Behavior and Development, 60, 101468.
Martinez, L.*, Glynn, L.M., Sandman, C.A., Wing, D.A., & Davis, E.P. (2020). Cesarean delivery and infant cortisol regulation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 104862.
Howland, M.A.*, Sandman, C.A., Davis, E.P., Stern, H., Phelan, M., Baram, T.Z., & Glynn, L.M. (2020). Prenatal maternal mood entropy is associated with child neurodevelopment. Emotion.
Norona, A.*, Morgan, A.*, Glynn, L.M., Sandman, C.A., Baram, T.Z., Stern, H., & Davis, E.P. (2020). Unpredictable maternal behavior is associated with a blunted infant cortisol response. Developmental Psychobiology.
Atzl, V.M.*, Grande, L.A.*, Davis, E.P., & Narayan, A.J. (2019). Perinatal promotive and protective factors for women with histories of childhood abuse and neglect. Child Abuse & Neglect, 91, 63–77.
Garcia, S.*, Valente, E.*, Lillehei, N.*, Grote, N., Hankin, B.L., & Davis, E.P. (2019). Does brief psychotherapy with distressed pregnant women benefit both mother and baby? Zero to Three Journal, 39(5), 23-32.
Kim, D.J.*, Davis, E.P., Sandman, C.A., Glynn, L.M., O'Donnell, B. Sporns, O., & Hetrick, B. (2019). Childhood poverty and the organization of structural brain connectome. NeuroImage, 184, 409-416.
Glynn, L.M., Stern, H., Howland, M.A.*, Risbrough, V.B., Baker, D.G., Nievergelt, C.M. Baram, T.Z., & Davis, E.P. (2019). Measuring novel antecedents of mental illness: The questionnaire of unpredictability in childhood. Neuropsychopharmacology, 44(5), 876-882.
Swales, D.A.*, Grande, L.*, Wing, D.A., Edelman, M.*, Glynn, L.M., Sandman, C.A., Smith, R. & Davis, E.P. (2019). Can placental corticotropin-releasing hormone inform timing of antenatal corticosteroid administration? Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 104(2):443-450.
Ram, S.*, Howland, M.A.*, Sandman, C.A., Davis, E.P., & Glynn, L.M. (2018). Prenatal risk for ASD: Fetal cortisol exposure predicts child autism-spectrum disorder symptoms. Clinical Psychological Science, 7 (2), 349–361.
Sandman, C.A., Curran, M.M.*, Davis, E.P., Glynn, L.M, & Baram, T.Z. (2018). Cortical thinning and neuropsychiatric outcomes in children exposed to prenatal adversity: a role for placental CRH? American Journal of Psychiatry. 175(5):471-479. PMID:29495899
Davis, E.P., Hankin, B.L., Swales, D.A.* & Hoffman, C.M. (2018). An experimental test of the fetal programming hypothesis: Can we reduce child ontogenetic vulnerability to psychopathology by decreasing maternal depression? Development and Psychopathology, 30(3), 787-806.
Glynn, L.M., Howland, M.A.*, Sandman, C.A., Davis, E.P., Phelan, M., Baram, T.Z., Stern, H. (2018). Prenatal maternal mood patterns predict child temperament and adolescent mental health. Journal of Affective Disorders, 228, 83-90. PMID: 29241049
Snyder, H.*, Hankin, B.L., Sandman, C.A., Head, K. & Davis, E.P. (2017). Distinct patterns of reduced prefrontal and limbic grey matter volume in childhood general and internalizing psychopathology. Clinical Psychological Science, 5(6):1001-1013. PMID 29399423
Curran, M.M.*, Sandman, C.A., Davis, E.P., Glynn, L.M., & Baram, T.Z. (2017). Abnormal dendritic maturation of developing cortical neurons exposed to corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH): insights into effects of prenatal adversity? PlosOne, 12(6), 1-11. PMID: 5489219.
Davis, E.P., Stout, S.A.*, Molet, J.*, Vegetabile, B.*, Glynn, L.M., Sandman, C.A., Heins, K.*, Stern, H., Baram, T.Z. (2017). Exposure to unpredictable maternal sensory signals influences cognitive development across-species. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(39), 10390-10395.
Stout, S.A.*, Lin, J., Hernandez, N.*, Davis, E.P., Blackburn, E., Carroll, J.E., Glynn, L.M. (2017). Validation of minimally-invasive sample collection methods for measurement of relative telomere length by qPCR. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9, 397. PMID: 29270121
Davis, E.P., Buss, C., Head, K. & Sandman, C.A. (2017). Prenatal maternal cortisol concentrations predict neurodevelopment in middle childhood. Psychoneuroendocrinology 75, 56-63.
Vohr, B., Davis, E.P., Wanke, C.A, & Krebs, N.F. (2017). Neurodevelopment: The impact of nutrition and inflammation during preconception and pregnancy in low resource settings. Pediatrics, 139(Supplement 1), S38-S49.
Glynn, L.M., Davis, E.P., Sandman, C.A. & Goldberg, W.A. (2016). Gestational hormone profiles predict human maternal behavior at 1-year postpartum. Hormones and Behavior, 85, 19-25.
Edelmann, M.*, Sandman, C.A., Glynn, LM, Wing, D.A., & Davis, E.P. (2016). Antenatal glucocorticoid treatment is associated with diurnal cortisol regulation in term-born children. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 72, 106-112.
Kim, D.J.*, Davis, E.P., Sandman, C.A., Sporns, O., O'Donnell, B.F., Hetrick, W.P. (2016). Prenatal maternal cortisol has sex specific associations with child brain network properties. Cerebral Cortex, 27(11), 5230-5241.
Howland, M.*, Sandman, C.A., Glynn, LM, Crippen, C. & Davis, E.P. (2016). Fetal exposure to placental corticotropin-releasing hormone is associated with child self-reported internalizing symptoms, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 67, 10-17. PMID: 26855003
Stout, S.A.*, Espel, E.*, Sandman, C.A., Glynn, L.M. & Davis, E.P. (2015). Fetal programming of children's obesity risk. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 53, 29-39. PMID: 25591114
Sandman, C.A., Buss, C., Head, K & Davis, E.P. (2015). Fetal exposure to maternal depressive symptoms is associated with cortical thickness in late childhood. Biological Psychiatry, 77(4), 324-34. PMID: 25129235
Grant, K.A.*, Sandman, C.A. Wing, D.A., Dmitrieva, J. & Davis, E.P. (2015). Prenatal programming of postnatal susceptibility to memory impairments: A developmental double jeopardy. Psychological Science, 26(7), 1054-62. PMID: 26063439.
Kim, D.J.*, Davis, E.P., Sandman, C.A., Sporns, O., O'Donnell, B.F., Hetrick, W.P. (2015). Children's intellectual ability is associated with structural network integrity. NeuroImage, 124, 550-556. PMID: 26385010
Davis, E.P. & Pfaff, D. (2014). Sexually dimorphic responses to early adversity: implications for affective problems and autism spectrum disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 49, 11-25. PMID: 25038479
Kim, D.J.*, Davis, E.P., Sandman, C.A., Sporns, O., O'Donnell, B.F., Buss, C. Hetrick, W.P. (2014). Longer gestation is associated with more efficient brain network in preadolescent children. NeuroImage, 100, 619-627. PMID: 24983711
Espel, E.*, Glynn, L.M., Sandman, C.A. & Davis, E.P. (2014). Longer gestation among children born full term influences cognitive, and motor development. PLoS ONE, 9(11), e113758. PMID: 25423150
Davis, E.P. & Thompson, R. A (2014). Prenatal Foundations. Zero to Three, 34(4), 6-11.
2013 and Earlier
Sandman, C.A., Glynn, L.M. & Davis, E.P. (2013). Is there a viability vulnerability trade off? Sex differences in fetal programming. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 75(4), 327-335. PMID: 24119938
Glynn, L.M., Davis, E.P. & Sandman, C.A. (2013). New insights into the role of perinatal HPA-Axis dysregulation in postpartum depression. Neuropeptides, 47(6), 363-370. PMID: 24210135
Sandman, C.A. & Davis, E.P. (2012). Neurobehavioral risk is associated with gestational exposure to stress hormones. Expert Review of Endocrinology & Metabolism, 7(4), 445-459. PMID: 23144647
Waffarn F. & Davis E.P. (2012). Effects of antenatal corticosteroids on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis of the fetus and newborn: experimental findings and clinical considerations. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 207(6), 446-454. PMID: 22840973
Baram, T.Z., Davis, E.P., Obenaus, A., Sandman, C.A., Small, S., Solodkin, A., Stern, H. (2012). Fragmentation and unpredictability of early-life experience in mental disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 169(9), 907-15. PMID: 22885631
Buss, C.*, Davis, E.P., Shahbaba, B., Pruessner, J.C., Head, K. & Sandman, C.A. (2012). Maternal cortisol over the course of pregnancy and subsequent child amygdala and hippocampus volumes and affective problems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(20), E1312-1319. PMID: 22719848
Buss, C.*, Davis, E.P., Hobel, C. & Sandman, C.A. (2011). Maternal pregnancy-specific anxiety is associated with child executive functioning at 6 to 9 years of age. Stress, 14(6), 665–676. PMID: 21995526
Sandman, C.A., Davis, E.P., Buss, C.*, & Glynn, L.M. (2012). Exposure to Prenatal Psychobiological Stress Exerts Programming Influences on the Mother and Her Fetus. Neuroendocrinology, 95(1), 8-21. PMID: 21494029
Blair, M. M.*, Glynn, L.M., Sandman, C.A. & Davis, E.P. (2011). Prenatal maternal anxiety and early childhood temperament. Stress, 14(6), 644-51. PMID: 21790468
Davis, E.P., Buss, C.,* Muftuler, T., Head, K., Hasso, A. Wing, D.A., Hobel, C. & Sandman, C.A. (2011). Children's brain development benefits from longer gestation. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 2(1), 1. PMID: 21713130
Sandman, C.A., Davis, E.P., Buss, C.*, & Glynn, L.M. (2011). Prenatal programming of human neurological function. International Journal of Peptides. PMCID: PMC3133795. PMID: 21760821
Davis, E.P., Glynn, L.M., Waffarn, F. & Sandman, C.A. (2011). Prenatal maternal stress programs infant stress regulation. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 52(2), 119-129. PMID: 20854366
Buss, C.*, Davis, E.P., Muftuler, T., Head, K., & Sandman, C.A. (2010). High pregnancy anxiety during mid-gestation is associated with decreased gray matter density in 6-9 year-old children. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35(1), 141-153. PMID: 19674845
Class, Q.*, Buss, C.*, Davis, E.P., Gierzak, M., Patillo, C., & Sandman, C.A. (2008). Low levels of corticotropin-releasing hormone during early pregnancy are associated with precocious maturation of the human fetus. Developmental Neuroscience, 30(6): 419-426. PMID: 19127063
Davis, E. P., Townsend, E.L., Gunnar, M. R., Guiang, S. F., Lussky, R. C., Cifuentes, R. F. & Georgieff, M. K. (2006). Antenatal betamethasone treatment has a persisting influence on infant HPA axis regulation. Journal of Perinatology, 26(3), 147-153. PMID: 16467857
Davis, E. P. & Sandman, C. A. (2006). Prenatal exposure to stress and stress hormones influences child development. Infants and Young Children, 19(3), 246-259.
Davis, E. P., Glynn, L. M., Schetter, C. D., Hobel, C., Chicz-Demet, A., & Sandman, C. A. (2007). Prenatal exposure to maternal depression and cortisol influences infant temperament. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 46(6), 737-746. PMID: 17513986
Davis, E. P., Bruce, J. & Gunnar, M. R. (2002). The anterior attention network: Associations with temperament and neuroendocrine activity in 6-year-old children. Developmental Psychobiology: The Journal of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, 40(1), 43-56. PMID: 11835150
Davis, E. P., Snidman, N., Wadhwa, P. D., Dunkel Schetter, C., Glynn, L.M., & Sandman, C. A. (2004). Prenatal maternal anxiety and depression predict negative behavioral reactivity in infancy. Infancy, 6(3), 319-331.
