Participate in Research

We’re currently seeking participants for two research studies. In the Girls in Transition project, we’re interviewing females ages 12–20 who have been involved in the juvenile justice system. For the second project, the Transition to College Study, we’re focusing on how youth, particularly international students, transition to college.

If you’re interested in participating in either of these studies, please read more and contact us.

a student studying outside in bright sun.

Transition to College Study

We are interviewing youths, particularly international students, who are transitioning to college. These interviews will help us examine the transition from high school to college, learn about students' experiences, and understand how those experiences are predicted by earlier factors and predict later adjustment.

students sitting indoors at a table.

Girls in Transition

We are currently interviewing females ages 12–20 who are or have been involved with the juvenile justices system in order to learn more about their lives, behavior, and the people and support around them. We are incredibly thankful for those who have already volunteered to participate in this study.

Aerial view of campus

Interested in Participating or Learning More?

Email Us