Jennifer Soong

Jennifer Soong

Assistant Professor in Creative Writing, Poetry

What I do

I am a poet and scholar of poetry and poetics, with a focus on modern and contemporary Anglophone literature. I am also interested in aesthetics, small press publishing, critical theory, the avant-garde, psychoanalysis, philosophy, and linguistics.

Professional Biography

My critical monograph Slips of the Mind, which explores the relationship between poetry and forgetting, is forthcoming with the University of Chicago Press in the spring of 2025. I am also the author of several works of poetry, including Comeback Death (Krupskaya, 2024) and Suede Mantis / Soft Rage (Black Sun Lit, 2022). My fourth book of poems My Earliest Person is forthcoming with The Last Books.

My essays are available, or have been accepted and are forthcoming, at Critical Inquiry, Modernism/modernity, Textual Practice, and Journal of Modern Literature. I am currently editing a cluster for Post45 on the poet Tan Lin.

I joined the Department of English and Literary Arts at DU in 2023. Prior to that I was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford. I received my PhD from Princeton and my BA from Harvard.


  • Ph.D., English, Princeton University, 2021
  • AB, English, with a secondary in Visual and Environmental Studies (Studio), Harvard College, 2014