Nadia Kaneva

Nadia Kaneva


Director of the MA in Media & Public Communication

What I do

I am a Professor of Strategic Communication in the Department of Media, Film, and Journalism Studies. I currently serve as Director of the M.A. in Media and Public Communication and Director of the Graduate Certificate in Public Diplomacy.

Professional Biography

My research explores the intersections of media, markets, power and identity in global contexts. I am particularly interested in critical perspectives on promotional culture, nation branding, and public diplomacy. Much of my research focuses on the post-communist countries in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. I teach graduate and undergraduate classes in strategic communication, public diplomacy, and branding. Before becoming a college professor, I have worked in advertising and public relations in the United States and in my native country, Bulgaria.


  • Ph.D., Media Studies, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2007
  • MA, Advertising, Syracuse University, 1999
  • BA, Journalism and Mass Communication, American University in Bulgaria, 1997

Professional Affiliations

  • International Communication Association
  • European Communication Research and Education Association
  • Association for the Study of Nationalities

Media Sources


My research focuses on nation branding and public diplomacy from a critical perspective and analyzes the intersections of media, markets, identities, and power.

Featured Publications

Kaneva, N. S. (Ed.). (2015). Mediating Post-Socialist Femininities. Routledge.
Kaneva, N. S. (2014). Branding Post-Communist Nations: Marketizing National Identities in the "New' Europe (Paperback). (N. S. Kaneva, Ed.). London/New York, UK/US: Routledge.
Kaneva, N. S. (Ed.). (2009). Fundamentalisms and the Media. New York: Routledge.


Kaneva, N. S. (2024). Global Public Opinion on the War in Ukraine. Russia's War on Ukraine: Two Years Since the Full-Scale Invasion. DU: MFJS and Korbel.
Kaneva, N. S. (2023). The Brand State Goes to WarCritical reflections on brand Ukraine and the limits of market(ing) logics. International Place Branding Association Annual Conference. Lund, Sweden: International Place Branding Association.
Kaneva, N. S. (2023). From Propaganda to Branded War. ICA Preconference. Toronto, Canada: Organizational Communication Division of ICA.
Kaneva, N. S. (2019). Mediating (post)national statehood: The Islamic State's response to the crisis of modern nation-states. International Communication Association. Washington, DC: International Communication Association.
Kaneva, N. S. (2016). Nation Branding and the Global Political Economy of Image. Conference: "Celebrar la nación: Ciudadanía y emprendedurismo en tiempos de marca país". Lima, Peru: Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru.


  • Heldt Prize for Best Article in Slavic/Eastern European/Eurasian Women’s Studies, honorable mention, Association for Women in Slavic Studies (AWSS)