Rachel Feder
Associate Professor
What I do
Assistant Professor of English and Literary ArtsProfessional Biography
I teach courses in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British literature with emphases on Romanticism, literary experiment, intellectual history, women writers, and the Gothic. I also design graduate seminars ("The Sublime"; "Lyric Theory") that bridge literary history and critical theory. My monograph, Harvester of Hearts: Motherhood under the Sign of Frankenstein, came out from Northwestern University Press in 2018, and my scholarship has appeared in journals including ELH and Studies in Romanticism. My poetry publications include a chapbook from dancing girl press, a book-length serial poem from Astrophel Press, and a full-length collection, Birth Chart, forthcoming from SUNY Press in May 2020.
- Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2012
Featured Publications
(2018). Harvester of Hearts: Motherhood under the Sign of Frankenstein. Evanston, IL, USA: Northwestern University Press.