Sarah Khatry
Ph.D. Student
What I do
I focus on essaying, narrative nonfiction, and memoir, and explore hybridity through both subject and form. My current research is on ecology during the Anthropocene, particularly as a space in which earth science, biology, and cultural studies intersect with global economics and politics. As a reader, I am most drawn to postcolonial and speculative writing, both fiction and nonfiction, as genres in which the complex tensions and nascent possibilities of the present are realized.
Professional Biography
Sarah Khatry (she/her) is a PhD Student in the English Literary Studies & Creative Writing program. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in AGNI, Virginia Quarterly Review, n+1, DIAGRAM, and the Cleveland Review of Books, and has been awarded a Pushcart Prize. She holds a MFA from the Nonfiction Writing Program at the University of Iowa. She was most recently a Peter Taylor Fellow at the Kenyon Review Writers Workshop.