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Emergent Digital Practices: Projection Mapping with DUMA Objects

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DU Museum of Anthropology

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The videos below are student creative works from the EDPX 3400 Video Art course in the Emergent Digital Practices program. Students created projection mapping videos using specialized software to add dimension and movement to DUMA artifacts.

The Video Art course, focused on the investigation of theories and practices of time-based media, expanded into an exploration of advanced video art techniques and projection mapping scenarios. Topics for examination and discussion included contemporary trends in new media, technological developments, perception and manipulation of time and aesthetics, as well as critical content (cultural and global issues).

For further information on the Video Art course, contact Professor Laleh Mehran at

For information about the EDP program information visit the EDP department website.

To learn more about how you can collaborate with the Museum of Anthropology contact Director Christina Kreps at or visit the DUMA website.

Projection mapping turns objects into a display surface for video projection. For more information, visit Projection Mapping Central.

Students: Jacques Gerber, Haley Ballard, Sommer Shearer, Logan Ebert, Mengqian Li, Travis Powell

Student-Created Projection Mapping Videos