Visual Perception, Emotion, & Cognition Laboratory
In the Visual Perception, Emotion & Cognition (VPEC) Laboratory, we study visual perception. Our primary goal is to understand how basic neural and cognitive mechanisms shape what people see and hear. We also collaborate to examine the role of perceptual processes in clinical, affective and social outcomes.
Artwork below: Cable Griffith "Flowers" (detail), 2008

We use vision science to answer core questions about the human mind and the nature of visual awareness.

We've published our collaborative research in many peer-reviewed publications in the fields of visual perception and cognitive neuroscience.

Our research team collaborates to develop understanding of visual processes and share our knowledge with our communities.

Become a Member of Our Research Community
The VPEC Lab will be considering graduate students for 2022 for the affective, social and cognitive psychology and the clinical psychology programs. Please contact us for more information.