Alumni and Career
Once you graduate from the Denver Publishing Institute, you join a loyal group of alumni who are dedicated to helping you find your place in publishing. Our graduates go on to publishing careers around the country and the world. You'll find some of our recent graduates working at HarperCollins, Penguin Group, Oxford University Press, Chicago Review Press, Sourcebooks, Inc, Pearson, McGraw-Hill and many more publishing houses.
We maintain a database of graduates that goes back to 1976 and can pull contact lists for networking purposes. We share the information of consenting alumni only. We also maintain a listserv and post publishing-related jobs throughout the year. If you are a graduate who would like to be added to the list, please email us.
Students who have participated in the Publishing Institute for credit can also request transcripts through the DU registrar's website. You can contact us if you need help with this process or have questions about transferring quarter hours to a semester system.
4,000+ graduates from the program
250+ executives from every area of the business have presented
1976 first cohort of students completed the program