Lina M Reznicek-Parrado
Teaching Associate Professor, Spanish; Director, Spanish Program for Heritage/Bilingual Speakers
303-871-2161 (Office)
Sturm Hall, 2000 East Asbury Avenue Denver, CO 80208
What I do
As a Teaching Associate Professor of Spanish, I teach and develop Spanish courses that meet students' diverse academic interests, taking into consideration the fact that Spanish is the second-most spoken language globally and in the U.S. Additionally, as Director of the Spanish Program for Heritage Speakers, I work with students who have a important personal, familial or community connections to the Spanish language and are interested in furthering their unique skills as part of their academic trajectory.Specialization(s)
Spanish Linguistics, Educational Linguistics, Spanish in the US
Professional Biography
Lina is a Teaching Associate Professor of Spanish who joined the Department of Spanish Language, Literary & Cultural Studies at DU in the Fall of 2018, and has since lead curricular efforts to develop courses for Spanish heritage speakers in the institution. She is an educator and researcher at the intersection of Spanish Sociolinguistics and Education, interested in issues around bilingual/heritage language education and teacher training, academic language and literacy for linguistically diverse student communities and topics surrounding Spanish in the US.
- Ph.D., Spanish Linguistics, University of California, Davis, 2018
- MA, Spanish Language & Literature, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2013
- BA, Spanish & French, University of Nebraska, 2008