Lydia Gil Keff
Teaching Professor, Spanish
303-871-7844 (Office)
Sturm Hall, 2000 East Asbury Avenue Denver, CO 80208
Professional Biography
LYDIA GIL KEFF, Ph.D teaches in the Department of Languages and Literatures and the Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Denver. She received a Ph.D. in Spanish form the University of Texas at Austin and M.A. degrees in Comparative Literature and Spanish from the State University of New York in Buffalo. Her recent scholarship focuses on the memorialization of atrocity in the Southern Cone and the implications of memory, trauma, and cultural politics for literary testimony.
- Ph.D., Spanish, University of Texas at Austin, 1999
- MA, Comparative Literature, State University of New York, 1994
- MA, Spanish, State University of New York, 1993
- BA, French & West European Area Studies, American University, 1990
Licensure / Accreditations
- Writers in the Schools (WITS)