CAHSS Staff Interview: Anne Amati
Get to know NAGPRA Coordinator for the Department of Anthropology and Staff Committee President Anne Amati

In order to encourage connection and promote visibility, the CAHSS Staff Committee will post interviews with staff throughout the year. If you'd like to be involved, please submit this quick form, and a member of the Staff Committee will be in touch. For more details on the CAHSS Staff Committee, login to Portfolio and navigate to the Staff Resources Page.
Anne Amati, NAGPRA coordinator and Staff Committee president
Q: Would you like to be famous? In what way?
A: No. I like doing good, meaningful work that has a big impact, but I prefer to do it in support of others.
Q: If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
A: To not worry so much.
Q: What are the films or television series that you’ve been watching?
A: I recently started watching a British show called "Money for Nothing" in which the host saves items from the trash and refurbishes or reimagines them to make them salable. I love making stuff from other stuff and I appreciate reusing materials to keep them from the landfill. I enjoy going to thrift stores and finding treasures I can use or make stuff of.
Q: What do you appreciate most in a coworker?
A: A positive attitude and the ability to solve problems.
Q: What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned in the last six months?
A: That I am ready to be a leader.
Q: What’s your proudest accomplishment?
A: Currently, it is that I co-authored a chapter in THE textbook for museum collections management on NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act) set to come out this spring.
Q: What’s your favorite thing about DU?
A: Support for intellectual curiosity and personal growth.
Q: What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?
A: Making stuff in my sewing room. Currently I’m doing an embroidery of a succulent floral arrangement and making curtains and upholstered cornice boards for my living room. Recently I made some stuffed gnomes, reusable Christmas bags for wrapping presents in. I would love to make a quilt in the future — I’ve done a few small baby quilts and a t-shirt quilt before but I want to do more pieced work.