
Our director and researchers work collaboratively in our lab and conduct their own research projects. Learn more about our team’s backgrounds and research interests below.

Principal Investigator


Our Team

Research Collaborators

  • Ann Lantagne, PhD

    Ann Lantagne graduated from the University of Denver with her PhD in child clinical psychology in 2019. She attended Boston Children's Hospital for internship and Stanford Medical School/Lucile Packard Children's Hospital for post-doctoral fellowship. Lantagne is currently an assistant professor at Children's Hospital Colorado where she specializes in pediatric rehabilitation psychology. She is interested in attachment and couples in adolescence and young adulthood.

  • Rachel Golden, PhD

    Rachel Golden graduated from the child clinical psychology PhD program at the University of Denver in 2017. She earned a BA from Carleton College in 2001 in romance languages and a BA in psychology from the University of Colorado Denver in 2010. 

    Her research interests include adolescent and young adult romantic relationships, infidelity, birth control use in adolescents and young adult romantic relationships, as well as providing models for healthy adolescent and young-adult romantic relationships. Her master's project involves assessing changes in the trajectories of adolescent development based on romantic relationship events.

  • Charlene Collibee, PhD

    Charlene Collibee is an assistant professor (research) at Alpert Medical School of Brown University. She received her PhD from the University of Denver and completed her predoctoral internship at the Brown University Clinical Psychology Training Consortium. Her research interests focus on within-person variation in risk and resilience, particularly related to interpersonal relationships and dating violence. Collibee is also interested in intensive sampling and social media data as a method of capturing adolescent close relationship experiences.