Our team has produced publications in peer-reviewed journals and edited collections, including the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Child Development and many others. We’ve also created questionnaires and other measures that can be used with permission. Here, you’ll find links to our publications and information about requesting permissions for measures.
Available Upon Request
(Click Title To Request)
Lantagne, A. & Furman, W. (in press). A dyadic perspective on psychopathology and young adult physical dating aggression. Psychology of Violence.
Lantagne, A. & Furman, W. (2020). More than the sum of two partners: A dyadic perspective on young adult physical dating aggression. Psychology of Violence, 10, 379-389.
Furman, W., Collibee, C., Lantagne, A. & Golden, R. E (2019). Making Movies Instead of Taking Snapshots: Studying Change in Youths' Romantic Relationships. Child Development Perspectives, 13, 135-140.
Collibee, C., Furman, W. & Novak, J. (2019). Risky Interactions: Relational and developmental moderators of substance use and dating aggression. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 102–113.
Collibee, C. & Furman, W. (2018). A moderator model of alcohol use and dating aggression among young adults. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 47, 524–546. PDF
Furman, W. & Collibee, C. (2018). The Past is Present: Representations of Parents, Friends and Romantic Partners Predict Subsequent Romantic Representations. Child Development, 89, 188–204. PDF
Furman, W. (2018). The Romantic Relationships of Youth. In W. Bukowski, B. Laursen, & K. H. Rubin (Eds.), Peer Interactions, relationships and groups, 2nd Edition (pp 410–428). New York: Guilford Press. PDF
Lantagne, A., Furman, W., & Novak, J. (2017). "Stay or Leave": Predictors of Relationship Dissolution in Emerging Adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 5, 241–250. PDF
Lantagne, A. & Furman, W. (2017). Romantic relationship development: The interplay between age and relationship length. Developmental Psychology, 53, 1738-1749. PDF
Collibee, C. & Furman, W. (2016). Chronic and Acute Relational Risk Factors for Dating Aggression in Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 763–776. PDF
Novak, J., Furman, W. (2016). Partner Violence during Adolescence and Young Adulthood Individual and Relationship Level Risk Factors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 1849–1861. PDF
Golden, R., Furman, W., & Collibee, C. (2016). The risks and rewards of sexual debut. Developmental Psychology, 52, 1913–1925. PDF
Collibee, C. & Furman, W. (2015). The Relationship Context for Sexual Activity and its Associations with Romantic Cognitions among Emerging Adults. Emerging Adulthood, 4, 71–81. PDF
Collibee, C. & Furman, W. (2015). Quality Counts: Developmental Shifts in Associations between Romantic Relationship Qualities and Psychosocial Adjustment. Child Development, 86, 1639–1652. PDF
Furman, W. & Rose, A.J. (2015). Friendships, Romantic Relationships and Other Dyadic Peer Relationships. The Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science (Seventh Edition); Vol. 3, Social and Emotional Development. PDF
Furman, W., Stephenson, J.C., & Rhoades, G.K. (2014). Positive Interactions and Avoidant and Anxious Representations in Relationships With Parents, Friends, and Romantic Partners. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 24, 615–629. PDF
Furman, W. & Collibee, C. (2014). A Matter of Timing: Developmental Theories of Romantic Involvement and Psychosocial Adjustment. Development and Psychopathology, 26, 1149–1160. PDF
Furman, W. & Collibee, C. (2014). Sexual Activity with Romantic and Nonromantic Partners and Psychosocial Adjustment in Young Adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 1327–1341. PDF
Collibee, C. & Furman, W. (2014). Impact of Sexual Coercion on Romantic Experiences of Adolescents and Young Adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 43, 1431–1441. PDF
Young, B. J., Furman, W. (2013). Predicting Commitment in Young Adults' Physically Aggressive and Sexually Coercive Dating Relationships. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28, 3245–3264. PDF
Young, B. J., Furman, W., & Jones, M. C. (2012). Changes in adolescents' risk factors following peer sexual coercion: Evidence for a feedback loop. Development and Psychopathology, 24, 559–571. PDF
Young, B. J., Furman, W. & Laursen, B. (2011). Models of change and continuity in romantic experiences (pp. 44–66). In Fincham, F. D. (Eds.) Romantic Relationships in Emerging Adulthood. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. PDF
Furman, W. & Winkles, J. K. (2011). Transformations in heterosexual romantic relationships across the transition into adulthood: "Meet me at the bleachers... I mean the bar" (pp. 209–213). In B. Laursen & W. A. Collins (Eds.) Relationship pathways: From Adolescence to Young Adulthood. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. PDF
Vujeva, H. & Furman, W. (2011). Depressive symptoms and romantic relationship qualities from adolescence through emerging adulthood: A longitudinal examination of influence. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 123–135. PDF
Furman, W. & Shaffer, L. (2011). Romantic partners, friends, friends with benefits, and causal acquaintances as sexual partners. Journal of Sex Research, 48, 554–564. PDF
Branstetter, S.A., Low, S. & Furman, W. (2011). The influence of parents and friends on adolescent substance use: A multidimensional approach. Journal of Substance Use, 16, 150–160. PDF
Jones, M. C. & Furman, W. (2010). Representations of romantic relationships, romantic experience and sexual behavior in adolescence. Personal Relationships, 18, 144–164. PDF
Shomaker, L. B. & Furman, W. (2010). A prospective investigation of interpersonal influences on the pursuit of muscularity in late adolescent boys and girls. Journal of Health Psychology, 15, 391–404. PDF
Simon, V. A. & Furman, W. (2010). Interparental conflict and adolescents' romantic relationships. Journal of Research in Adolescence, 20, 188–209. PDF
Furman, W. & Winkles, J. K. (2010). Predicting romantic involvement, relationship cognitions, and relationship qualities from physical appearance, perceived norms, and relationship styles regarding friends and parents. Journal of Adolescence, 33, 827–836. PDF
Shomaker, L. B. & Furman, W. (2009). Parent-adolescent relationship qualities, internal working models, and styles as predictors of adolescents' observed interactions with friends. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 26, 579–603. PDF
Furman, W., Low, S., & Ho, M. (2009). Romantic experience and psychosocial adjustment in middle adolescence. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 38, 1–16. PDF
Furman, W. & Buhrmester, D. (2009). The Network of Relationships Inventory: Behavioral Systems Version. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 33, 470–478. PDF
Collins, W. A., Welsh, D. P., & Furman, W. (2009). Adolescent romantic relationships. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 631–652. PDF
Branstetter, S. A., Furman, W. & Cottrell, L. (2009). The influence of representations of attachment, maternal-adolescent relationship quality, and maternal monitoring on adolescent substance use: A two-year longitudinal examination. Child Development, 80, 1448–1462 PDF
Shomaker, L. B. & Furman, W. (2009). Interpersonal relationship influences on late adolescent girls' and boys' disordered eating. Eating Behaviors, 10, 97–106. PDF
Hand, L. S. & Furman, W. (2009). Rewards and costs in adolescent other-sex friendships: Comparisons to same-sex friendships and romantic relationships. Social Development, 18, 270–287. PDF
Furman, W. & Simon, V. A. (2008). Homophily in adolescent romantic relationships. In: M. Prinstein & K. A. Dodge (Eds.) Peer contagion processes among youth. New York: Guilford Press. PDF
Furman W., McDunn, C. & Young B. J. (2008). The Role of Peer and Romantic Relationships in Adolescent Affective Development. In: N. B. Allen & L. Sheeber (Eds.) Adolescent emotional development and the emergence of depressive disorders. New York: Guilford Press. PDF
Furman, W. & Shomaker, L. (2008). Patterns of interaction in adolescent romantic relationships: Distinct features and associations with other close relationships. Journal of Adolescence. PDF
Young, B. J. & Furman, W. (2008). Interpersonal factors in the risk for sexual victimization and its recurrence during adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37, 297–309. PDF
Furman, W. & Collins, W. A. (2007). Adolescent Romantic Relationships and Experiences. In K. H. Rubin, W. Bukowski, & B. Laursen (Eds.). Peer interactions, relationships, and groups. New York: Guilford Press. PDF
Furman, W., Ho, M. H. & Low, S. M. (2007). The rocky road of adolescent romantic experience: Dating and adjustment. In R. C. M. E. Engels, M. Kerr & Stattin, H. (Eds.), Friends, lovers, and groups: Key relationships in adolescence (pp. 61–80). New York: John Wiley & Sons. PDF
Shomaker, L. B. & Furman, W. (2007). Same-sex peers' influence on young women's body image: An experimental manipulation. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. PDF
Kiang, L. & Furman W. (2007). Representations of attachment to parents in adolescent sibling pairs: concordant or discordant? In M. Scharf & O. Mayesless (Eds.) Attachment in Adolescence: Reflections and New Angles. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. PDF
Laursen, B., Furman, W. & Mooney, K. S. (2006). Predicting interpersonal competence and self-worth from adolescent relationships and relationship networks: Variable-centered and person-centered perspectives, Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 52, 572–600. PDF
Furman, W. & Simon, V. A. (2006). Actor and partner effects of adolescents' working models and styles on interactions with romantic partners. Child Development, 77, 588–604. PDF
Furman, W., & Hand, L. S. (2006). The slippery nature of romantic relationships: Issues in definition and differentiation. In A. Booth & A. C. Crouter (Eds.) Romance and sex in adolescence and emerging adulthood: Risks and opportunities (pp. 171–178). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. PDF
Berger, L. E., McMakin, D. & Furman, W. (2005). The language of love in adolescence. In A. Williams & C. Thurlow (Eds.), Communication in adolescence: Perspectives on language and social interaction in the teenage years. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing. PDF
Furman, W. & Simon, V. A. (2004). Concordance in attachment states of mind and styles with respect to fathers and mothers, Developmental Psychology, 40, 1239–1247. PDF
Furman, W., & Shaffer, L. (2003). The role of romantic relationships in adolescent development. In P. Florsheim (Ed.), Adolescent romantic relations and sexual behavior: Theory, research, and practical implications (pp. 3–22). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. PDF
Bouchey, H.A., & Furman, W. (2003). Dating and romantic experiences in adolescence. In G.R. Adams & M. Berzonsky (Eds.). The Blackwell handbook of adolescence (pp. 313–329) Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers. PDF
Furman, W,. (2002) The emerging field of adolescent romantic relationships. Current directions in Psychological Science, 11, 177–180. PDF
Furman, W., Simon, V.A., Shaffer, L., & Bouchey, H.A. (2002). Adolescents' working models and styles for relationships with parents, friends, and romantic partners. Child Development, 73, 241–255. PDF
Furman, W. (2001). Working models of friendships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 18, 583–602. PDF
Simon, V., Bouchey, H., & Furman, W. (2000). The social construction of adolescents' representations of romantic relationships. In S. Larose & G. M. Tarabulsy (Eds.) Attachment and development: Vol. 2 Adolescence. Quebec: Les Presses de l'Universite du Quebec. PDF
Flanagan, A., & Furman, W. (2000). Sexual victimization and perceptions of close relationships in adolescence. Child Maltreatment, 5, 350–359. PDF
Connolly, J., Furman, W., & Konarski, R. (2000). The role of peers in the emergence of heterosexual romantic relationships in adolescence. Child Development, 71, 1395–1408. PDF
Furman, W., & Shaffer, L.A. (1999). A story of adolescence: The emergence of other-sex relationships. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 28(4), 513–522. PDF
Furman, W., & Simon, V. (1999). Cognitive representations of romantic relationships. In W. Furman, B.B. Brown, & C. Feiring (Eds.), The development of romantic relationships in adolescence (pp. 75–98). New York: Cambridge University Press. PDF
Furman, W., Feiring, C., & Brown, B.B. (1999). Love is a many splendored thing: Next steps for theory and research. In W. Furman, B.B. Brown, & C. Feiring (Eds.), The development of romantic relationships in adolescence. New York: Cambridge University Press. PDF
Brown, B.B., Feiring, C., & Furman, W. (1999). Missing the love boat: Why researchers have shied away from adolescent romance. In W. Furman, B.B. Brown, & C. Feiring (Eds.), The development of romantic relationships in adolescence (pp. 1–16). NY: Cambridge University Press. PDF
Furman, W. (1999). Friends and lovers: The role of peer relationships in adolescent romantic relationships. In W.A. Collins & B. Laursen (Eds.), Relationships as developmental contexts: The 30th Minnesota Symposia on Child Development (pp. 133–154). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. PDF
Furman, W. & Simon, V. (1998). Advice from youth: Some lessons from the study of adolescent relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 15, 723–739. PDF
Furman, W., & Wehner, E.A. (1997). Adolescent romantic relationships: A developmental perspective. In S. Shulman & W.A. Collins (Eds.), New directions for child development (No. 78). Romantic relationships in adolescence: Developmental perspectives (pp. 21–36). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. PDF
Stocker, C., Lanthier, R., & Furman, W. (1997). Sibling relationships in early adulthood. Journal of Family Psychology, 11, 210–221. PDF
Furman, W., & Flanagan, A. (1997). The influence of earlier relationships on marriage: An attachment perspective. In W.K. Halford & H.J. Markman (Eds.), Clinical handbook of marriage and couples interventions (pp. 179–202). Chicester: Wiley.
Gavin, L., & Furman, W. (1996). Adolescent girls' relationships with mothers and best friends. Child Development, 67, 375–386. (Reprinted in G. Adams (Ed.) (2000) Adolescent development: The essential readings. Malden, MA: Blackwell. PDF
Furman, W. (1996). The measurement of children and adolescent's perceptions of friendships: Conceptual and methodological issues. In W.M. Bukowski, A.F. Newcomb, & W.W. Hartup (Eds.), The company they keep: Friendships in childhood and adolescence (pp. 41–65). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press.
Furman, W. & Giberson, R. S. (1995). Identifying the Links Between Parents and Their Children's Sibling Relationships. (pp. 95–108). In S. Shulman (Ed.) Close Relationships and Socioemotional Development. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex. PDF
Furman, W., & Wehner, E.A. (1994). Romantic views: Toward a theory of adolescent romantic relationships. In R. Montemayor, G.R. Adams, & G.P. Gullota (Ed.) Advances in adolescent development: Volume 6, Relationships during adolescence (pp. 168–195). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. PDF
Furman, W., & Buhrmester, D. (1992). Age and sex differences in perceptions of networks of personal relationships. Child Development, 63, 103–115. PDF
Buhrmester, D., & Furman, W. (1990). Perceptions of sibling relationships during middle childhood and adolescence. Child Development, 61, 1387–1398. PDF
Gavin, L. & Furman, W. (1989). Age difference in adolescents' perceptions of their peer groups. Developmental Psychology, 25, 827–834. PDF
Furman, W., Jones, L., Buhrmester, D. & Adler, T. (1989). Children's, Parents', and Observers' Perspectives on Sibling Relationships. (pp. 165–183). In P. G. Zukow (Ed.) Sibling Interaction Across Cultures: Theoretical and Methodological Issues. New York, New York: Springer-Verlag. PDF
Adler, T., Furman, W. (1988). A model for children's relationships and relationship dysfunctions. (pp. 211–229). In S. W. Duck (Ed.) Handbook of Personal Relationships. Chichester, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. PDF
Buhrmester, D., Furman, W., Wittenberg, M. T., & Reis, H. T. (1988). Five domains of interpersonal competence in peer relations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 55, 6, 991–1008. PDF
Buhrmester, D., & Furman, W. (1987). The development of companionship and intimacy. Child Development, 58, 1101–1113. PDF
Buhrmester, D., & Furman, W. (1986). The Changing Functions of Friends in Childhood: A Neo-Sullivanian Perspective. In V.J. Derlega & B.A. Winstead (Eds.), Friendship and social interaction (pp. 41–62). New York: Springer-Verlag. PDF
Shaver, P., Furman, W., & Buhrmester, D. (1985). Transition to college: Network changes, social skills, and loneliness. In S. Duck & D. Perlman (Eds.), Understanding personal relationships: An interdisciplinary approach (pp. 193–219). London: Sage. PDF
Furman, W. & Buhrmester, D. (1985). Children's perceptions of the personal relationships in their social networks. Developmental Psychology, 21, 1016–1022. (Reprinted in D. Canter (Ed.) International Library of Psychology. Hampshire, UK: Ashgate Publishing). PDF
Furman, W. & Buhrmester, D. (1985). Children's perceptions of the qualities of sibling relationships. Child Development, 56, 448–461. PDF

We've developed a series of measures designed to help support further research. For more information about, or permission to use, these measures, please email us.
- Network of Relationship Inventory (NRI)
- Sibling Relationship Questionnaire
- Friendship Questionnaire
- Parent-Child Relationship Questionnaire
- Behavioral Systems Questionnaire (BSQ)
- Dating History Questionnaire
- Sexual Attitudes and Behavior Questionnaire
- Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire
- Adolescent Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire