
Our team seeks to better understand relationships. Currently, we’re conducting this research through Project STAR (Studying Teens and Relationships), a multi-year study sponsored by the National Institute of Health. We’re studying people’s close relationships and how they may relate to health and development.

What is Project STAR?

Project STAR is a two-decade study conducted by the Relationship Center at the University of Denver and sponsored by the National Institute of Health. We are interested in understanding teens’ close relationships and how they may be related to health and development.

We're studying these relationships because little scientific research has been conducted about them, particularly dating relationships. By understanding more about how these relationships work, we may be able to help teens and people who are having relationship difficulties.

Applying Our Findings

We apply what we've learned at the Relationship Center in our communities. Based on our past research, we've developed programs to improve peer relationships and have partnered with over 60 Denver schools.

Within these partnerships, we offer workshops in schools and consult with teachers and other professionals about ways of improving relationships among children and adolescents in the community. Students who have trained with us have gone on to conduct similar research and community programs in other parts of the country.


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