CRES News & Student Work

CRES and its students have been busy in the first year of the new major! As the academic year comes to an end, we are excited to share general news about the program as well as select student works. The student works posted below are meant to display the wide diversity of creative and marketable skills that CRES courses foster, but they are by no means exhaustive. Such rich in-class activities are central to the major in CRES and are intended to underpin the high impact co-curricular opportunities that CRES students will be encouraged to engage as they move through the program.

Read the CRES Newsletter


Select Student Works from 2023-24 CRES Courses

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    Racial Bias in AI

    A website by Ivanna Duluc

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    The Voices That Should Have Mattered

    A poetry collection by Skylar Thaker

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    Bitter Sweet

    A poetry collection by Aaliyah Berry

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    Reflection on Chicana and Third-World Feminisms

    Artwork and a description by Vanessa Leon-Gamez

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    What Some Scholars Misunderstand about Sexual Racism

    A critical reflection paper by Reina Ortiz

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    Examining the Pipeline to Racialized Housing Inequities

    A graphic synopsis paper by Delaney Mullen

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    Examining Racial Disparities in Self-Reported Satisfaction Among Homeless Shelter Residents

    A quantitative empirical paper by Brandon Cohen

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