Resources for Prospective Students

If you enjoy exploring other cultures through language, literature and film, the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures could be the place for you. Through our majors and minors, you'll acquire access to and opportunities for deep understanding of cultural, historical and literary works from around the globe. This combination means you'll be prepared for a range of careers in fields as diverse as international relations, the arts, business and more.

Tree White Flowers


Have a look at the programs we offer and access some of the world's most fascinating languages, literatures and cultures. 

LL&C Programs
Globe hands


Immerse yourself in linguistic, literary and cultural experiences of communities around the world, while achieving your academic goals.

Study Abroad
Book Candle Lavander


Visit our knowledge base to find useful information, answers to your questions and more.

LL&C Knowledge Base

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I start with a language at DU?

    All incoming students who have previously studied a language and wish to enroll in that same language at DU must take a placement exam before enrolling. This exam will help us guide you to the correct course for your level. You can find more information about the exam on CWLC’s webpage. Once you’ve completed the online exam, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your placement with an advisor or simply enroll directly into the level you placed into.  

    More information about our programs and courses can be found on our LL&C Knowledge Base.

  • Can I audit a language course?

    Language courses can only be audited by full-time students at the University of Denver. Unfortunately, if you are not enrolled full-time at DU, you cannot audit a language course.  

  • Can I take a language class if I am not an admitted student at the University of Denver?

    Language classes through our department are offered exclusively to DU students. If you would like to take a language course through our department, you must enroll at the University of Denver. Information on enrollment, including special status enrollment for those not seeking degrees, can be found through the admissions office. The Center for World Languages and Cultures provides some alternate options for language instruction for non-enrolled students – please email the CWLC or visit the CWLC website for more details. 

  • Still have questions we didn’t answer?

    Still have questions we didn’t answer? Visit the LL&C knowledge base for up to-date information and resources on anything related to our courses, programs, student resources, how-to guides, and more. 

     LL&C Knowledge Base

Resources Across Campus


If you're looking for help/information about...

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    Enrolling as a DU student to take LL&C courses

    Office of Admissions

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    Enrolling in classes in Spanish or Quechua

    SLLCS (majors, minors, and upper-level language, literature and culture courses)

    CWLC (for first-year courses, non-credit courses, and/or tutoring)

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    Enrolling in classes in less commonly taught languages


    SLLCS (for Quechua)


Language Placement and the Foreign Language Requirement

If you're looking for help/information about...

Study Abroad

If you're looking for help/information about...


Tutoring and Non-Credit Language Courses

If you're looking for help/information about...

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    Non-credit courses and courses for non-enrolled students


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    Tutoring and Language Assistance



Transfer Credits

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