
Our team has presented and published collaborative research that helps us understand risk and protective factors and develop interventions to support early childhood resilience. Our work has been published in Developmental Psychobiology, Psychoneuroendocrinology and many other top journals. Learn more about our research.

+ denotes CHaD lab members and/or graduate students.

Selected Publications

Selected Conference Presentations

  • 2015–Present

    Hurwich-Reiss, E.,Hamo, E. Montoya, L. Raver, C., Blair, C., & Enos Watamura, SE. (2016). Economic strain and mental health: Evidence & implications for prevention for the Buffering Toxic Stress Consortium. Poster presented at Administration for Children and Families' National Research Conference on Early Childhood. Washington, D.C.

    Schlueter McFadyen-Ketchum, L., Hurwich-Reiss, E., Mendoza, M.M., Link, N., & Enos Watamura, S. (2016). Parenting stress mediates the relation between parent anxiety and somatic complaints in high risk Early Head Start children. Posterpresented at American Psychosomatic Society, Denver, Colorado.

    Link, N., Hurwich-Reiss, E., Schlueter McFadyen-Ketchum, L., & Enos Watamura, S. (2016). Environmental risk and maternal mental health: Do risk factors differ between non-Hispanic, Hispanic, and Hispanic-immigrant mothers? Poster presented at American Psychosomatic Society, Denver, Colorado.

    Watamura, S. E., Fisher, P. A., Mendoza, M. M., Schlueter McFadyen-Ketchum, L. S., & Hurwich-Reiss, E. (March, 2015). The face of toxic stress: Preliminary consortium findings on concomitant risks and parent and child well-being. Symposium paper presented at the biannual Society for Research in Child Development meeting.

    Badanes, L.S., Dmitrieva, J.D., Mendoza, M. M., Schlueter McFadyen-Ketchum, L. S., & Watamura, S. E. (March, 2015). Early life stress profiles in high-risk preschoolers: Predicting the cortisol awakening response & child depression longitudinally. Paper presented at the biannual Society for Research in Child Development meeting.

    Mendoza, M. M., Schlueter McFadyen-Ketchum, L., Hurwich-Reiss, E., & Watamura, S. E. (March, 2015). Increased child externalizing symptoms in families receiving only child-directed vs. child and adult-directed intervention. Paper presented at the biannual Society for Research in Child Development meeting.

    Schlueter McFadyen-Ketchum, L., & Watamura, S. E. (March, 2015). Physical activity and executive functioning in preschoolers: Higher activity levels are associated with cognitive benefits. Paper presented at the biannual Society for Research in Child Development meeting.

    Schlueter McFadyen-Ketchum, L., Mendoza, M.M., & Watamura, S. E. (March, 2015). Housing instability moderates the impact of maternal depression on early internalizing symptoms. Poster presented at the biannual Society for Research in Child Development meeting.

  • 2010–2015

    Schlueter McFadyen-Ketchum, L. & Enos Watamura, S. Acute moderate-to-vigorous physical activity results in specific executive function gains in preschoolers. Poster presented at the Front Range Neuroscience Meeting, Fort Collins, CO, 2014.

    Schlueter McFadyen-Ketchum, L., Hurwich-Reiss, E., Stiles, A.A., Mendoza, M.M., Badanes, L.S., & Enos Watamura, S. Self-regulation and economic stress in children of Hispanic immigrants and their peers: Better regulation at a cost? Poster presented at Developmental Psychobiology Research Group Retreat, Golden, Colorado, 2014

    Schlueter McFadyen-Ketchum, L. & Watamura, S.E. (November, 2014). Acute moderate-to-vigorous physical activity results in specific executive function gains in preschoolers. Poster presented at International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, Washington, D.C.

    Watamura, S.E., Hardin, J., Gurjal, I. (March, 2014). Early Brain & Child Development: Buffering the Impact of Toxic Stress. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Early Childhood Conference.

    Hurwich-Reiss, E., Mendoza, M., & Watamura, S.E. (April, 2013). The relationship between violence exposure and child outcomes among Hispanic immigrant and non-Hispanic preschoolers. Poster session presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.

    Lumian, D.S., Dmitrieva, J., Mendoza, M.M., Badanes, L., Watamura, S.E. (April, 2013). The Impact of Program Structure on Cortisol Patterning in Children Attending Out-of-Home Child Care. Poster session presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.

    Schlueter McFadyen-Ketchum, L, Lumian, D.S., Badanes, L., and Watamura, S.E. (April, 2013). Including or excluding children with asthma, allergies and PDD from studies of cortisol: When does it matter most? Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, Washington.

    Mendoza, M.M., Hurwich-Reiss, E. & Watamura, S.E. (April, 2013). The mediating effect of immigration stress on the relationship between parental depression and preschooler's mental health outcomes. Paper symposium presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.

    Mendoza, M. M., Hurwich-Reiss, E, Badanes, L, Lumian, D. S., & Watamura, S. E. (April, 2013). Bilingual preschool caregivers buffer child physiologic stress better during a challenge task. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, WA.