
Study Spanish with peers on campus and around the world

When you choose to study Spanish language and culture at DU, you're embarking on a global journey that will help you broaden your understanding of the Spanish-speaking world. Majors who meet the academic qualifications can also apply for distinction by writing an honors thesis in Spanish. Alternatively, you can add a Spanish major or minor to another degree program to diversify your academic portfolio and make yourself a more attractive job candidate post-graduation. For students joining us with a family background of Spanish language skills, our Spanish for Heritage Speakers program offers robust study to complement and enhance your proficiency. 

As part of a private university dedicated to the public good, we ensure that students are active in the Spanish-speaking community both in Colorado and beyond through internships at local organizations and service-learning opportunities.

Spanish Major and Minor

DU offers both major and minor courses of study within the Bachelor of Arts program in Spanish. Through the Spanish major, you'll develop advanced language skills in both oral and written Spanish, including the distinct traits of the language as spoken in Europe, Latin America and the United States. Students can expect to complete the program with high confidence in their speaking abilities and a robust understanding of the cultural and historical context of the language as well as a well-rounded experience of literature written in Spanish.

The Spanish minor offers the chance to add Spanish language skills to your professional toolkit while you focus on another area of study for your major. The Spanish minor couples language learning with cultural and literary study. Whether you're majoring in the natural sciences, international studies or arts and culture, a second language can broaden your appeal to employers and help you navigate an increasingly globalized world.

Explore Spanish at DU

Honors and Distinction Program

Students wishing to dive deeper into their Spanish studies are encouraged to enter our honors and distinction program. Those wishing to graduate with honors and departmental distinction work closely with a faculty member to produce a senior thesis of original research, written entirely in Spanish.

Explore Spanish Honors and Distinction Program

Spanish for Heritage or Bilingual Students

To address the educational needs of our increasingly diverse student population, we've developed a program aimed at students entering college with a foundation in the Spanish language. The program includes two courses that help heritage or bilingual speakers develop their skills for use in academic and professional settings, also helping to build an understanding of the unique cultural forces that Spanish speakers experience in the modern world. 

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Spanish Language Media Production

This micro-credential program allows students to explore a range of courses that will prepare them to produce media in Spanish, including an internship in the community. Earning the microcredential requires taking three courses. 

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Additional Academic and Program Resources

Check our knowledge base for more detailed information, guides and resources. Can’t find what you’re looking for? You can also use the knowledge base to contact our staff.

Knowledge Base
DU Campus

Our faculty and students extend their work beyond the classroom and engage with the community.

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Language Placement Testing

New to Spanish

Spanish students who have not taken Spanish courses and do not have a background of speaking Spanish will enroll in Spanish 1001.

Spanish Classroom Experience

Spanish students who have studied Spanish will take a placement test before enrolling to determine an appropriate class level. Placement testing is conducted by DU's Center for World Languages & Cultures.

Set Up a Placement Test

Heritage Speakers or Bilingual Students

Students who speak Spanish at home with parents, siblings or extended family members are encouraged to take the Spanish for Heritage Speakers Assessment and enroll in Spanish for Heritage Speakers. Bilingual students who completed part of their education in a Spanish-speaking country or had a significant study abroad experience should contact Professor Lina Reznicek-Parrado to determine if Spanish for Heritage Speakers is an appropriate fit.

Learn More About Spanish for Heritage Speakers