Language Testing

The CWLC provides undergraduate placement tests and proficiency tests for both undergraduate and graduate students. 

Undergraduate placement tests—free for students—are designed to optimize learning by placing first-year and transfer students into the most appropriate language course based on their level.  

Proficiency tests evaluate what the students can do in a given language in terms of speaking, writing, listening and reading. Some programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels require students to demonstrate proficiency in a second language through these tests. 

For your convenience, both placement and proficiency tests can be taken at any time during the year and are self-scheduled. 

Language Requirement for Common Curriculum

Learn more about your options for completing DU's Language Requirements for the Common Curriculum.

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Undergraduate Placement Testing

Undergraduate students who are continuing a language they have previously studied take placement testing to determine their course level.

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Proficiency Testing

Some graduate and undergraduate programs require proficiency testing. This is different from undergraduate placement testing. 

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