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2021 MFJS Media Ethics Panel Series

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Media, Film & Journalism Studies

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Join us Wednesdays this quarter for a special weekly Media Ethics Panel! 

Taught by adjunct professor and former reporter for the Denver Post, Fred Brown, alongside department Chair Dr. Lynn Schofield Clark, Media Ethics is offered for seniors in the Media, Film & Journalism Studies department every winter quarter. This year the course has been moved online, giving us the unique opportunity to bring in alumni and friends from across the United States to expand the conversation. 

The list of speakers is below and is subject to change. All sessions will be held from 12–1:30 p.m. Please email us at to RSVP. 

Wednesday, February 3: News

  • Andy Clayton (MS '96) 
    • Senior content editor, Digital Sports at New York Daily News
  • Jessica Roe (MS Law '19) 
    • Adjunct Media Law Professor, MFJS
    • Former News Director, Department of Defense Privacy & Civil Liberties
  • Tamara Banks
    • Freelance Journalist 
    • President/CEO of TazMedia Social Justice Communications, Atlanta

Wednesday, February 10: Social Media/Strategic Communication

  • Amy (Van Orman) Nisenson (BA '90) 
    • VP Sales, Effectv
  • Ellie Schafer (BA ‘90) 
    • Strategic Communications & High Impact Event Planning, South Lawn Strategies
    • Special Assistant to President Obama and Director of White House Visitors Office
  • Jen Lester
    • Co-founder and CEO of Philosophy Communication

Wednesday, February 17: Strategic Communication

  • Sehra Eusufzai (MS '97)
    • Vice President of Brand Management & Communications, Dataminr 
  • Ariana Lopez (MA '15)
    • Director, Marketing & Communications, Morgridge College of Education, University of Denver
  • Cory Lamz (BA '12) 
    • Counsel & Director of Legal Affairs; Data Privacy Officer at Buoy Health
  • Camila Navarrette (BA '17) 
    • Associate Communications Officer, Colorado Health Foundation

Wednesday, February 24: News

  • Laura Frank
    • Executive Director, COLAbs
  • Greg Moore
    • Former Executive Editor, Denver Post
  • Chuck Plunkett
    • Former Editorial Editor, Denver Post

Wednesday, March 3: Relationship Between Journalist and the Government

  • Evan Dreyer (BA '88)
    • Deputy Chief of Staff, Denver Mayor’s Office
  • Jeff Roberts
    • Executive Director, Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition
  • Rosemary Rodriguez
    • Executive Director, Together We Count

Wednesday, March 10: Local Communication

  • Julian Rubenstein
    • Journalist, documentary filmmaker, producer/author
  • Nicole Barker (BA '20)
    • Assistant Producer, Armistice Media
    • Former Intern with Julian Rubenstein