
Donor generosity helps power our work in educating and nurturing new voices and fresh perspectives in the world of media. When you give to the Department of Media, Film & Journalism Studies, you support scholarships, research initiatives and student programming. Join us and help build the next generation of journalists, filmmakers and communicators.

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Donate to Media, Film and Journalism Studies

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Your Gift Can Support...

Project DU F.I.L.M.

Help our students build on their talents in visual storytelling and produce work that will shape future careers as directors, screenwriters, cinematographers and more.

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MFJS Restricted Scholarship Fund

We strive to provide students with as much financial support as possible, on the basis of both merit and need. Donations help us continue and expand that support.

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Lance C. Clem Endowment for Media, Film, and Journalism Studies

The Lance C. Clem Endowment provides internship awards for MFJS students. These awards help fund credited internship experiences.

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Media, Film & Journalism Studies Department Fund

The Department fund helps us develop new educational programming and provide experiential training for students looking to launch careers in media.

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Ed & Charlotte Estlow Journalism Endowed Fund

Donations to this fund support the work done at the Estlow International Center for Journalism and New Media, which strives to safeguard independent journalism in its role as a watchdog on power.

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Jennifer Garner

Executive Director of Development

Hannah Thompson

Director of Alumni Engagement

Tonya Kelly

Senior Director of Development