Tuition-Free Master's Degrees for Benefitted DU Employees
Take advantage of your DU tuition waiver benefit and earn a tuition-free Master’s degree from the Department of Media, Film and Journalism Studies (MFJS):
The M.A. in Media and Public Communication offers concentrations in Strategic Communication and in Media and Globalization
The M.A. in International and Intercultural Communication is a joint program with the Josef Korbel School of International Studies
Both programs are designed to expand your career prospects in professional communication in areas such as brand management, public relations, public affairs, intercultural communication, health communication, nonprofit management, cultural diplomacy, media education, and more.
As a student in either program, you can also earn a Graduate Certificate in Public Diplomacy, without the need for additional coursework.
Featured Courses
MFJS 4650
Global Media and Communication
About this Course
Major theories concerning international communication flows, the impact of globalization and global media, issues of new communication technologies, the rhetoric and media framing of global politics and culture; international marketing and public relations; and national and cultural sovereignty issues related to communication.
MFJS 4320
Brands and Identities
About this Course
Reviews theories and cases of the role and meaning of brands in a consumer society, with a particular emphasis on understanding how brands are implicated in the construction and presentation of personal and group identities. The course combines insights from marketing, social psychology, and cultural studies to explore the importance of brands for both consumers and practitioners. Students master core branding concepts and use them to critically analyze salient social and cultural issues.
MFJS 4060
Strategic Messaging
About this Course
Continues the focus on learning and applying public relations techniques, emphasizing media relations and media writing. Students develop the ability to formulate and evaluate appropriate communication objectives, strategies, and tactics in response to real-world public relations problems, paying attention to ethical considerations. Students produce a portfolio of written public relations materials.