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Alum Jonas Peterson releases EP 'Evening Star'

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Angela Mitchell

Manager of Marketing & Communications, Lamont School of Music

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Evening Star

“Evening Star” is the debut EP by saxophonist, keyboard player, and composer Jonas Peterson (BM '23, jazz saxophone). The music is amalgamation of Peterson's diverse musical inspirations into compositions that are inspired by personal memories. It features six original compositions written in the jazz tradition with hints of neo-soul and funk with some musical inspirations like included Butcher Brown, Joshua Redman, Moonchild, Hiatus Kaiyote and many more.

Writing for Evening Star began in 2021 without intention of recording any of the music, but instead to learn from and move on. However, as Peterson continued to study composition and as he wrote more music, he began to become attached to the compositions and continued to add on and improve the songs with lessons that he had learned along the way.

The recording wouldn’t have been possible without his dear friends Ricky Jumper (recording engineer, guitar, and bass), Colin Holter (keyboards), Eli Leppla (bass), Chris Panish (drums), and Elijah Stevens (vocals and lyrics for the last track “I Feel the Sun”). All are current or former Lamont students.

"Evening Star" is available to stream on Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube. Follow Jonas Peterson on Instagram and YouTube