Passing of Antonia Banducci, Professor Emerita of Musicology

A Celebration of Life for Antonia Banducci took place on Sunday, February 16th at 1:00 p.m. You may view the recording of the livestream at this link.
Antonia Banducci, Professor Emerita of Musicology, passed away this week. Antonia was on Lamont’s faculty for 25 years. She guided generations of students and generously shared her unending passion for music with students, colleagues, and friends.
Jack Sheinbaum, Professor of Musicology and Lamont’s Associate Director for Academic Affairs, shared that “Antonia was my dearest colleague. We had lunch together almost every week for well over 20 years, continuing our ritual after she retired. I’ve never known someone with such passion, energy, and dedication to her students and to Lamont.”
Rachel Walsh, Interim Dean for the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, added, "Antonia was my CAHSS faculty mentor in the Fall of 2007, when I arrived at DU and began my academic career. She was incredibly warm, welcoming and supportive. Her guidance, insights and wonderful sense of humor were unparalleled.”
A Baroque specialist, Antonia taught a wide array of courses covering multiple style periods. She challenged students to engage thoroughly in the music, to reflect deeply upon it through research, discussion, and writing. Her high standards made a difference in many students’ lives. She was a scholar of seventeenth-century music, especially opera, and received accolades for her work on the music by Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687).
Scholarly work was not her only activity. She was an avid cyclist and for a time served on Denver mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Committee.