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Dear Incoming Students

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Janette Ballard

Announcement  •
advice quotes

Congratulations to the 2018 graduating class from Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences! Of the 386 undergraduate and 103 graduate students, we asked a handful of our recent grads what advice they'd give to incoming students, and this is what they said:

"Invest in your worth. Fully accept you for who you are because you are going to be tested daily and you need to always stay grounded. Also, get enough sleep!" —Anthony Adu, Theatre

"Focus on a couple of different activities that you are passionate about and do them to the best of your abilities, rather than trying to do everything at once." —Troy Fangmeier, English and Political Science

"Be who you are as a person and never stop growing and evolving. We spend so much of our time wondering what people think about us. We censor, shrink, and compact some of our brightest features for fear of being judged or scrutinized. Those quirks and differences make you who you are." —Gertie Harris, Communication Studies

"Get involved, take advantage of all that is offered at DU, reach out to others less privileged than yourself, become community active, and remember that it's never too late to follow your dream." —Linda Kornfeld, Sociology

"Never pass up an opportunity to connect with someone you admire, don't be afraid to ask for help or advice, and maintain connections." —Bryn Babbitt, Sociology and Psychology

"Go out with friends, play sports, join a club, talk with professors, see a show, enjoy downtown Denver. Remember the notes and lectures from class, but make sure you do things that make college itself worth remembering." —Jeremy Walls, History and Political Science

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