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Investing in Faculty Innovation

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Annetta Crecelius

Director of Marketing & Communications

Annetta Crecelius headshot

With the launch of the new Center for Innovation in the Liberal and Creative Arts (CILCA), we invested in exploratory, cross-disciplinary, and broad-reaching initiatives tied to our CAHSS Keystone Strategic Plan and DU IMPACT 2025.

The 2018–2019 CILCA-funded projects aspire to create long-term, sustainable opportunities for a large number of our students to engage in Keystone experiences. For example, the Interfaith and Interreligious Dialogue Cluster is focused on designing Keystone experiences that encourage students to think critically about the role of religion in the modern world and to engage with faculty from across campus and partners from across our communities in meaningful activities to promote dialogue, understanding and cooperation among the world's religious traditions. Other CILCA-funded initiatives include the La Paz Service Learning/Immigration Issues Cluster, PRAXIS Transdisciplinary Keystone Experience Development, and Psychology Keystone Experience Development.

Over the course of the year, CILCA will continue to work with each project's affiliated faculty to further develop project proposals and additional ideas or programming. As CILCA grows and develops, there will be additional opportunities for support and faculty collaboration and future requests for proposals.