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Message from Dean Gonzales

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College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

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Dear CAHSS community members, 

Rhonda Gonzales

As the new Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, I am thrilled to be joining this vibrant community of scholars, artists, students, alumni and friends. One of the things that attracted me to DU and CAHSS was the ways in which the University and College lead innovative liberal and creative arts education. As I learn about the College, it is already evident that CAHSS faculty and staff are committed to the success of our students. I am already seeing the impact that a CAHSS education has had on the lives and careers of our community members, and I am so impressed by the stories I have heard about our vast network of accomplished alumni. I look forward to engaging with our community to talk about how CAHSS can continue to deliver groundbreaking and high-impact experiences for our students (and future alumni!). 

As we all recognize, higher education is changing as the world changes around us, and the events of the past year and a half have accelerated that change and our need to shape new futures. As the liberal and creative arts core of the University, CAHSS is already demonstrating our ability to both lead and respond to change in new ways. The Keystone Strategic Plan clearly shows that the College is sharply focused and thoughtful about how best to differentiate itself as a liberal arts leader. Our community members contribute to a vibrant and inclusive environment that celebrates and values diversity of thought and experience. I already see evidence of how CAHSS students engage deeply with faculty and develop their foundations as citizens who are intellectual, ethical, creative, and committed to improving the public good. As a first-generation college graduate, I would not be where I am today but for institutions and individuals who mentored, retained, and sponsored me. I view our College, and DU, as one of those institutions that is committed to the success of every student. Our world-class faculty, our vast network of successful alumni, and our dedicated staff all create the community and environment that paves a way for our students to succeed and thrive, and I am inspired by you and ready to champion and support our community. 

Beginning today, I will focus my attention on getting to know our community. What are your passions? What drives your connection to the College? What makes CAHSS special to you? My goal is to engage in conversations throughout fall quarter and my first year with our community so I can expand my understanding of CAHSS and learn about what we can build together. I am eager to engage in meaningful dialogue with you in the coming months. 

It is an honor to be joining the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences as your new dean, and I look forward to all that we will accomplish together. 


Dr. Rhonda M. Gonzales 

Dean, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences