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Senior's Parting Thoughts

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Mikayla Pevac

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gertie harris

"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."—Dr. Seuss

When asked what advice she would give to undergraduates, graduating senior Gertie Harris urges students to be authentic to who they are and to never stop growing through the wise words of Dr. Seuss.

Harris is a communication studies major with minors in Spanish, marketing, and English. Her areas of interest include writing, marketing/advertising and event planning. Even though she has not yet graduated, she has already been published.

"I was published in a book called Worth It for my article: "How to Be a Babe," which I wrote for Thought Catalog (a digital youth culture magazine)," she said.

For Harris, inspiration comes from others.

"I love hearing other people's stories. There's something really special about the power of sharing," Harris said. "I always feel a sense of purpose and meaning when someone shares something that they value with me. Asking questions and listening for answers is probably the best way to learn and grow."

As for the future, Harris is keeping her options open.

"My dream job would be doing something that brings people together. I don't know what that is right now, but I love creating a sense of unity between people. Maybe that's through writing, maybe through events, maybe through advertising and creation. The good news is that I'm 22 so I think I've got some time to figure it out!" she added.