The concentration in archaeology offers training in both the academic and applied aspects of archaeology, preparing you to understand the past, identify its relevance to the present and safeguard for the future. Our goal is to provide you with knowledge and skills that coherently integrate theory and practice.

Degree Requirements

In addition to the core degree requirements in anthropology, archaeology track students must also complete:

  • ANTH 3990 Summer Field School in Archaeology or ANTH 3790 Field Methods in Archaeology or a substitute field experience (e.g., previous field school or CRM work) approved by the department's director of Graduate Studies in consultation with the student's advisor
  • ANTH 3630 Archaeological Method and Theory
  • One cultural anthropology course and one museum and heritage studies course chosen in consultation with the student's advisor

And at least one of the following courses:

  • ANTH 3170 Applied Heritage Management
  • ANTH 3390 Geoarchaeology
  • ANTH 4040 Historical Archaeology

“It was a really valuable part of my education, thinking about how to make your work matter. Archaeologists aren’t making better drugs or curing cancer or building rockets. But they do have a vital role as heritage professionals, which the program at DU really emphasized.”

Andrew Bair, Alumni, MA in anthropology Read more
Andrew Bair using GPR in Ireland

"I think this part of history — American history — should be preserved and we should be able to tell the story as well as we can." 

Gary Ono, Community Partner, Former Amache Internee

Featured Faculty

Bonnie Clark

Bonnie J. Clark

Director, Undergraduate Studies; Professor, Archaeology

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Nicole Herzog

Nicole M. Herzog

Associate Professor, Archaeology

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"We are doing history in a way that's not written down in the history books. We're doing history by looking at the material record of people's lives."

Lawrence Conyers, Faculty, Department of Anthropology
Masks from Spirited Stories of Wellbeing Event

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