The concentration in archaeology offers training in both the academic and applied aspects of archaeology, preparing you to understand the past, identify its relevance to the present and safeguard for the future. Our goal is to provide you with knowledge and skills that coherently integrate theory and practice.

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Featured Courses
ANTH 2040
Historical Archaeology
About this Course
Because it is the archaeology of periods for which there is also written history, historical archaeology is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field. It also has a distinct set of concerns and methods that builds upon, but does not replicate, those of prehistoric archaeology. This course is designed to engage students in the practice of historical archaeology through readings, discussions and the hands-on analysis of archaeological materials. The first class of each week is a discussion of readings in historical archaeology. The readings introduce students to theoretical and methodological issues in the discipline, as well as important case studies. Many of the readings have a North American focus but also address international practice. The second class of each week has a hands-on focus. Backed by readings on historic materials analysis, we discuss and practice the types of research historical archaeologists perform on actual materials, focusing on different material types each week. Students in the course each process and analyze a set of materials excavated from a historic site.
ANTH 3130
The Archaeology of Gender
About this Course
This course examines the ways archaeology can contribute to the study of gender through investigations of the deep through recent past. The class will include readings on gender theory, the uses of archaeological data and specific case studies of engendered lives in the past. Cross listed with GWST 3130.
ANTH 3350
Latin American Archaeology
About this Course
Covers the prehistory of the Western Hemisphere south of the Mexico-U.S. border, from initial colonization of the hemisphere by Paleo-Indian people, to the origins of agriculture and the rise of civilization. Olmec, Mayan, Aztec, Chavin, Moche and Inca cultures are covered in detail.