We aim to provide the support and skills you need to realize your potential. Whether you're seeking career opportunities, looking for financial support or simply curious about majoring in the arts, we can point you in the right direction.
Our community relationships, internship opportunities and research resources help you prepare for careers through hands-on experience. In addition, our commitment to inclusive excellence continually pushes us to widen our scope of resources to ensure an exemplary experience for students while preparing you to make a positive impact in your communities.
We welcome your proposals for exhibitions in the Davis Gallery for next academic year, 2025-2026. Please visit the Davis Gallery website for submission forms and supplemental information, and feel free to reach out to davisgallery@du.edu with any questions. This proposal is open to all, so feel free to forward it on to peers and colleagues.
Through an endowment started by alumni of Art History, the School of Art and Art History supports graduate students who are pursuing research for their Masters Research Papers (MRP). The grants award up to $750. Graduate students at all stages of their MRP are invited to apply. Applicants must meet with their MRP advisor for guidance prior to submitting their application.
Applications are due November 1, 2024 and May 1, 2025.
DU ART Student Research Travel Grants fund travel that will have relevance to your artistic pursuits and/or professional goals. Grant awards are available in amounts up to $1,500. Undergraduate students must be a current major in the School of Art and Art History or Emergent Digital Practices to be eligible. Graduate students in School of Art and Art History or Emergent Digital Practices graduate programs are eligible. All applicants must still be enrolled at the time of travel (travel cannot take place after graduation).
Applications are due November 1, 2024 and May 1, 2025.
Jack Nathan was a vibrant member of the DU community who championed the concept of addressing mental health through the arts (both theatre and visual art) and through entrepreneurship. In the spirit of Jack, this award annually funds a student art project (or student art projects) that addresses mental health in a therapeutic manner. The project(s) may include an entrepreneurial component as part of its overall vision for positive engagement with the world.
We partner with DAM curators, directors and facilitators (and have since 1950) to offer courses related to DAM exhibitions and provide students with connections to internship and employment opportunities. Students also have opportunities to take classes directly from Denver Art Museum curators.
The Clyfford Still Museum displays the work and explores the life of abstract expressionist Clyfford Still. We're lucky enough to have the Clyfford Still conservator, James Squires, teach our Introduction to Art Conservation class. This partnership also enables internship opportunities to pre-art conservation majors.
The Kirkland Museum of Fine and Decorative Art at DU is available to students for research and conservation practice. All of our student-led research for the Kirkland Museum is permanently archived.
Museo de las Americas is the premier Latin American art museum in the Rocky Mountain region. This partnership extends volunteer and internship opportunities to students.
Our network of alumni maintain close ties with a variety of art institutions. Speak with faculty about your interests and possible contacts. We also offer advice on locating internships.
The Strategic National Arts Alumni Project (SNAAP)
The School of Art & Art History participates in the SNAAP survey, which is designed to enhance the impact of arts-school education. Visit the SNAAP website to learn more about the value of an arts degree and the lives and careers of arts graduates.
An encounter with the remains of a Colorado mining town led Professor Sarah Gjertson to explore the roles of women in the American West during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The project utilizes printmaking, photography, sculpture and found objects.
Go to the graduate admission application to submit your information. For information on admission requirements, visit the graduate academic programs page and locate your program of interest.