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CAHSS Faculty Promotions for 2019

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Laura Miller

Communications and Events Manager

Laura I. Miller photo

Announcement  •
CAHSS Faculty Promotions

A whopping 26 faculty members within the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences have received promotions or made transitions this fall. That’s 10 more than last year. Promotions recognize a faculty member’s successes, which can take years to achieve. The time it takes to receive a promotion averages six years and requires scholarly evaluation from the faculty member’s national and international peers, the candidate’s department, the dean, the provost and the DU Board of Trustees.

In addition to their scholarship, these promotions take into account the candidates’ creative production, teaching quality and campus service.

“These changes recognize significant achievement, dedication and contribution to the mission of our departments, College, University, and fields,” said Dean Daniel McIntosh.

Join us in congratulating the following promotions among our faculty:

Eight faculty have been promoted to tenured full professor:

One faculty was promoted to teaching full professor:

Five faculty received tenure and promotion to associate professor:

Two faculty were promoted to the rank of teaching associate professor:

Ten received emeritus status this last year, also:

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