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CAHSS Staff Interview: Jeff Quinlisk

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Laura Miller

Communications and Events Manager

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Get to know the business and operations manager for the dean's office

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The CAHSS Staff Committee posts interviews with staff throughout the year to promote visibility and encourage connection. If you'd like to be involved, please submit this quick form, and a member of the Staff Committee will be in touch. For more details on the CAHSS Staff Committee, login to Portfolio and navigate to the Staff Resources Page. 

Jeff Quinlisk, business and operations manager and Staff Committee representative

Jeff Quinlisk headshot

Q: Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as your quarantine partner?

A. Jim Gaffigan. If I’m going to be stuck in close quarters with someone, at least I’ll know that it won’t be boring.

Q: Have your values shifted in response to the COVID-19 health crisis? In what way?

A. I’m not sure that they’ve shifted, but it has reinforced for me that dedication to the public good goes beyond a mere slogan. Communal actions can rapidly impact entire cities when individuals act in a way to benefit the others around them and not simply themselves.

Q: If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

A. I would love to have the ability to breathe underwater. This would definitely make for some interesting tropical vacations.

Q: What are the films or television series that you’ve been watching?

A. I’ve been watching a series on Netflix called "Dark." It's produced in Germany (watch with original audio + English subtitles!), and it just has an amazing story, casting, visuals, sound, etc.

Q: Who’s on your quarantine mixtape?

So thanks to a ton of time listening to Spotify while working from home, my mixtape is ever-growing. A few of the of the highlights are The Oh Hellos, Travis Scott, The Weeknd and Mandolin Orange.

Q: What do you appreciate most in a coworker?

A: I really appreciate coworkers who both have a sense of humor and positive attitude. Working in higher ed has its own unique set of stresses and pressure, but it's refreshing to know that your colleagues can keep things positive.

Q: What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned in the last month?

A: Adaptability. I never imagined a scenario where so much would change so rapidly at DU, and finding ways to adapt to these changes has definitely been a great lesson in skills building.

Q: What’s your favorite thing about the DU community?

A: Other than the amazing people, I really love the DU campus. You get all the hustle and bustle of a university campus in some parts and some nice tranquil spots hidden away to sit and relax. Add in the mix of students, faculty, visitors and members of the community all congregating in the public spaces, and it's a nice confluence of Denver.

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