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CAHSS Staff Interview: Rachel Lim

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College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Get to know the academic advisor for the Lamont School of Music

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The CAHSS Staff Committee posts interviews with staff throughout the year to promote visibility and encourage connection. If you'd like to be involved, please submit this quick form, and a member of the Staff Committee will be in touch. For more details on the CAHSS Staff Committee, log in to Portfolio and navigate to the Staff Resources page. 

Interview by Lauren Hartog

Rachel Lim
Rachel Lim

Q: You’re highly involved with the Inclusive Excellence Committee. Why is this DU community so important to you and how has your involvement shaped your view of the university?

A: My experiences as a student have shaped my understanding of my identity as a biracial individual and what that means within systems of power and privilege. I want to create spaces where students can explore these concepts personally and professionally, so that they can use that knowledge to make the world a better place.

Q: What are three things a staff member can do to ensure they are being inclusive at work and at home?

A: Adopt the “platinum rule” and treat others how they want to be treated. Understand that working toward diversity, equity and inclusion is a lifelong, vulnerable journey; learn something new each day and find ways to show up for one another. Recognize that if someone tells you that your words or actions were not inclusive, the dialogue that follows is an opportunity for growth. Center their experiences, recognize the impact of your words or actions regardless of your intent, apologize, and learn so that you can do better in the future.

Q: What was the first work of art or music you remember as having had a lasting impression on you?

A: I heard the Memphis Symphony Orchestra perform in person for the first time in elementary school. The joy of seeing a live performance combined with recognizing the music being performed (Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons) made for quite a meaningful experience.

Q: What has been your quarantine guilty pleasure?

A: Ridiculous dog videos on Instagram.

Q: What’s your favorite place to go in Denver? How did you discover it?

A: Fancy Tiger Crafts. I found this lovely shop when visiting Denver for a conference a few years before I moved here, and it’s remained such a happy place of beautiful colors and fibers.

Q: What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned in the last few months?

A: Setting boundaries can be a radical act of self-care.

Q: What would constitute a “perfect” day for you?

A: A perfect day is one that involves creating something that will bring joy to others.

Q: What’s your favorite cocktail or dessert? Recipes are encouraged! No healthy treats.

A: A bake a lot of cookies, but my favorite dessert is this recipe for triple-chocolate buttermilk pound cake.

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