DU English Professor Wins Association for Ethnic Studies Book Award

Professor Kristy L. Ulibarri recently received a national award for her published work “Visible Borders, Invisible Economies: Living Death in Latinx Narratives.”
The 2023 Association for Ethnic Studies Outstanding Book Award recognizes excellence in scholarly and creative works in or related to the field of ethnic studies. The Association for Ethnic Studies consists of scholars, activists, libraries, and civic organizations who are concerned with the national and international dimensions of race and ethnicity, according to the website.
“I'm so grateful to be recognized by an organization that sees the value in interdisciplinary work and promotes cross-disciplinary engagement,” Ulibarri said.
The English & Literary Arts professor said the book “pushes on the traditional boundaries of our academic disciplines, bringing together Latinx literature, film, and photography to interrogate the critical conversations on late capitalism and immigration policy.”
Her research and teaching primarily concentrate on Latina/e/o/x literature and culture, im/migrant narratives, speculative fiction, and cultural studies.
Ulibarri is also an affiliate faculty of the Center for Immigration Policy and Research (CIPR), Critical Race and Ethnic Studies (CRES) program, the Interdisciplinary Research Institute for the Study of (In)Equality (IRISE), and the Latinx Center at the University of Denver.