Meet Your CAHSS Career Advisors
Kyle, Carolyn and Megan provide professional career advice for CAHSS students.

There comes a time in every college student’s life when they will be asked the dreaded question: What are you going to do with that degree? Whether you evade it or confront it head on, the question can cause anxiety and uncertainty for even the seemingly most prepared students among us.
That’s why the College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences has career advisors. They can help you not only answer that question with confidence but also gain clarity about your goals and professional future. Career & Professional Development offers help with resumes and cover letters, workshops on goal setting and using LinkedIn, networking sessions and job fairs and much more.
Every student is strongly encouraged to meet with a career advisor during their time at DU. Learn more about the advisors below, and then schedule an appointment by logging on to your Pioneer Careers account and signing up for an available time under the “Appointments” tab.
Winter 2020 CAHSS career drop-in hours will be on Thursdays from 2 to 3 p.m. in the Sturm Hall lobby, on January 23, 30 and February 13, 20 and 27.
Kyle Inselman, MEd
I advise: Social Sciences* undergraduate students
Kyle has been at DU since October 2016. When he was in college at the University of Colorado Boulder, he majored in linguistics and film studies, and earned a certificate in LGBT studies. As a liberal arts grad himself, he loves working with CAHSS students and connecting what they learn in the classroom to job and career opportunities after graduation, looking at the big picture of how work fits into the rest of their lives.
An adjunct instructor at DU since January 2019, Kyle is engaged in issues of diversity, equity and inclusion in career development and is an active member of the National Career Development Association. He particularly enjoys being able to bridge this work as a scholar-practitioner with his advising through tailored classroom presentations about social justice in career development and navigating the job search with marginalized identities. He also enjoys facilitating career exploration with class activities such as the conversational goal-setting game “Who You Are Matters.”
Before becoming a career advisor, he worked as a website and social media manager for nonprofits along the Front Range. Outside of work he enjoys exploring the Rocky Mountain region, practicing meditation and yoga and watching Netflix documentaries with his adorable rescue cat.
Email Kyle:
* Anthropology; Communication Studies; Economics; Media, Film & Journalism Studies; Political Science; Psychology; Sociology and Criminology; Asian Studies; Gender and Women's Studies and Socio-Legal Studies
Carolyn Sommers, MA
I advise: Arts & Humanities* undergraduate and Undeclared/Exploring Students
Carolyn holds space for students to tell their stories and answer the questions: “who am I,” “what am I here to do” and “how do I get there.” Her end objective is to empower individuals through self-awareness and resource-awareness to move towards their goals. Personally, she’s driven to play a part in helping people achieve a meaningful life. She loves being in nature and is especially motivated by activities devoted to personal development, including yoga, meditation and hiking.
Carolyn says, “Our careers define only one part of our identity; and considering we spend an average of 2,000 hours yearly in our jobs, it is critical to help students and alumni in their pursuit of purposeful lives by teaching them how to plan their careers and leverage their talents and interests.”
Email Carolyn:
* Art, Art History, Chinese, Emergent Digital Practices (EDP), English, French, German, History, Italian, Music, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Russian, Spanish and Theatre
Megan Pritchett, MS
I advise: All CAHSS graduate students
Originally from Sacramento, Megan joined the DU team in September 2019 and is passionate about helping graduate students turn their degrees into new career opportunities. She supports students in finding jobs and internships, editing their resumes and cover letters and negotiating their salaries. Other career topics she loves discussing are how to use LinkedIn effectively and managing student loan debt.
She holds a BA in sociology from Scripps College and a MS in career counseling from California State University, Sacramento. She will be a new DU adjunct faculty in winter 2020, teaching in University College. She is committed to staying current in career development theory and practice through her involvement with the National Career Development Association, where she presented in 2019 on the intersection of career development and student loan debt. Specific areas of expertise and professional interest include mental health, advancing equity in higher education, financial wellness, negotiation strategies and women’s career development.
When not at work, she reads for her alumna book club, daydreams about future travel and tries to keep her houseplants alive and thriving.
Email Megan:
Kyle, Carolyn and Megan are available for class career presentations (in-person or virtual) on a variety of topics, including: upcoming career fairs and events, connecting class projects to career paths, finding jobs and internships and writing resumes, CVs and letters cover. Learn more on the events page of the website or email them directly for scheduling availability.