Lamont Piano Preparatory Program
We offer students a time-tested and unique program of group and private lessons. Our curriculum is designed to develop every phase of complete musicianship, including music reading, rhythm, theory, creativity, and ear training—all ideally suited to group instruction.
The Lamont Piano Preparatory program serves as the laboratory school for the Lamont School of Music graduate piano pedagogy program. Our mission is to model the highest standards in piano education while nurturing the joy of music making.
We strive for a relevant and holistic curriculum that applies the teaching philosophy of the respected piano pedagogue, Frances Clark, who believed that “there is music in every child.” Our goal is twofold:
- Develop lifetime musicians who are able to communicate their love of music with artistry and confidence.
- Nurture independent learners who are musically literate.
Piano Classes for Children
Level of Instruction
Preparatory Level
Our Preparatory Level is geared towards kindergarteners and first graders who would like an introduction to the foundations of music and the piano within a fun group piano environment. Students enrolled in this class will receive a weekly 45-minute group class.
Level 1 Group Class (1st-3rd grade)
Students in Level 1(beginners only) attend a weekly 45 minute group lesson. Additionally, students take a weekly 30 minute private lesson. Students gain a thorough musical foundation using discovery learning, movement and focused listening activities to develop an understanding of the principles of theory, musicianship and performance practice. Furthermore, the class provides children an opportunity to share their performances in a fun and supportive environment.
Level 2 Group Class (2nd-4th grade)
Students who complete the Level 1 curriculum will be invited to move into Level 2. If there are openings in the classes, transfer students will be considered. Students in this program will receive a weekly 30-minute private lesson and a weekly 45-minute group class.
Level 3 Group Class (3rd-5th grade)
Students who complete the Level 2 curriculum will be invited to move into Level 3. If there are openings in the classes, transfer students will be considered. Students in this level will receive a 45-minute weekly private lesson and a monthly 90-minute group class.
Intermediate Program (3rd-8th grade)
Students who complete the Level 3 curriculum will be invited to move into the Intermediate program. If there are openings in the classes, transfer students will be considered. Students in this program will be split into Elementary (grades 3-5) and Middle (grades 6-8). All students receive a 45-minute weekly private lesson and a monthly 90-minute group class.
Early Advanced Program (6th-8th grade)
Students who complete the intermediate curriculum standards will be invited to move into the Early Advanced program. 6th-8th graders will be considered for this program, and transfer students will be considered when space is available. Students in this program receive a weekly 60-minute private lesson and a monthly 90-minute group class.
Summer lessons are not included in the Academic Year tuition price. All preparatory students are required to take at least 7 lessons during the summer months through the preparatory program.
All prospective students are interviewed personally as a first step in the enrollment procedure. The primary purpose of the interview is to assess musical readiness for beginners. The interview also provides the opportunity for you to become acquainted with our faculty, policies and facility. Students are encouraged to apply for the program at any level (beginning through advanced), but priority placement will be given to current Lamont Piano Preparatory Program students.
Interviews will be scheduled after completion and submission of the Initial Information Form.
Please follow this link for the form and direct all questions to Emily Book McGree at
Piano Classes for Adult Beginners
We believe that there is music in everyone, yes, even those who are embarking on their journey at the piano as an adult.
Studies have shown that learning piano as an adult in a group setting has many advantages and benefits. We are pleased to have you experience this unique opportunity with us.
Schedule, Location and Tuition
8 Week Sessions: Beginning in October, January and March
Time: Evenings TBD
Location: Online
Materials Fee: $50/year
Tuition: $240 ($200 for those with a DU faculty/staff ID)
Registration and More Details
For more information please connect directly with Dr. Emily Book McGree at or visit the registration form.