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CAHSS Receives Record-breaking Donations in 2020–21

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College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Announcement  •
Newman Center at DU

The College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences closed the financial year with a record-breaking philanthropic total of $6.3 million raised from alumni and friends. These generous contributions support a range of College priorities, including the Dean’s Fund for Excellence, Casa de Paz Learning Community, the Center for Art Collection Ethics, the Prison Arts Initiative, the Spirituals Project, and multiple student internship opportunities.

Donors also supported the new Witness to History Holocaust Education Program in the Center for Judaic Studies, undergraduate research funds in the Department of Psychology, and a visiting professor fund in the Department of Psychology. Startup funds were provided to the new First-Gen Mentorship Program, and several outstanding pieces of art were donated to the University Art Collection. 

Rhonda M. Gonzales, dean of the College, says, “In my four months at DU, I’ve been so impressed with the philanthropic generosity of our community to support these important College initiatives. Thanks to the support of our own community, we can uphold and build upon our commitment to our students and faculty and deliver on our promise to be a great private university dedicated to the public good. I want to thank all of our donors and look forward to our continued success together.”