Our carillon program is led by University Carillonist Joey Brink. You can hear Joey play weekdays during academic quarters, Monday-Friday from 11:45am to 12:15pm.
2025 Carillon Concert Series
Sunday, April 13, 5-6pm: Alex Johnson (University of Chicago)
Monday, May 26, 5-6pm (Memorial Day): Joey Brink (DU)
Sunday, June 22, 5-6pm: Eddy Mariën (Mechelen, Belgium)
Sunday, July 13, 5-6pm: Tin-Shi Tam (University of Iowa)
Sunday, August 24, 5-6pm: Emily Kim (Seattle)
Sunday, December 14, 3-4pm: Holiday Recital
About the Carillon
The Williams Carillon was cast by the Royal Eijsbouts Bell Foundry at Asten, The Netherlands and was dedicated on the University of Denver campus on October 24, 1999. With 65 bells, it is one of the largest carillons in North America.
The Summer Carillon Recital Series invites renowned carillonneurs from across the nation to perform on The Williams Carillon. A highlight of the holiday season on campus is the annual Holiday Carillon Recital presented the afternoon of the second Sunday in December.