CAHSS Faculty Promotions for 2020

Promotions recognize the significant achievement, dedication and contribution to the mission of our departments, College, University and fields. To receive a promotion, faculty members undergo an average of six years of scholarly evaluation by national and international peers, the candidate’s department, the dean, the provost and the DU Board of Trustees. In addition to their scholarship, these promotions take into account the candidates’ creative production, teaching quality and campus service.
Join us in congratulating the following promotions among our faculty.
Eleven faculty have been promoted to tenured full professor:
- Bonnie Clark, Department of Anthropology
- Deborah Howard, School of Art and Art History
- Sarah Gjertson, School of Art and Art History
- Javier Torre, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Li Li Peters, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Jack Sheinbaum, Lamont School of Music
- Josh Wilson, Department of Political Science
- Thomas Nail, Department of Philosophy
- Selah Saterstrom, Department of English and Literary Arts
- Sheila Schroeder, Department of Media, Film and Journalism Studies
- Trace Reddell, Emergent Digital Practices Program and Department of Media, Film and Journalism Studies
Four faculty received tenure and promotion to associate professor:
- Angelo Castagnino, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
- Michael Campbell, Department of Sociology and Criminology
- Donna Beth Ellard, Department of English and Literary Arts
- Lauren McGrath, Department of Psychology
Two faculty were promoted to the rank of teaching associate professor:
- Christy Rossi, Department of Psychology
- Rachael Liberman, Department of Media, Film and Journalism Studies
Four received emeritus status this last year, also:
- Nancy Reichman, Department of Sociology and Criminology
- Michael Gibbs, Department of History
- Rob Roberts, Department of Psychology
- Janette Benson, Department of Psychology